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引用本文:陶夏妍 王振宇 范 鹏 屈海洲 杨海军 罗春树. 塔中地区良里塔格组台缘颗粒滩沉积特征及分布规律[J]. 沉积学报, 2014, 32(2): 354-364
作者姓名:陶夏妍 王振宇 范 鹏 屈海洲 杨海军 罗春树
摘    要:塔中地区良里塔格组礁滩复合体蕴含着丰富的油气资源。通过钻井、录井、岩芯、薄片及测井等大量资料的综合分析,结合前人研究结果,对塔中I号坡折带上奥陶统颗粒滩类型和特征进行了系统研究。塔中地区良里塔格组台缘颗粒滩包括内碎屑滩、生屑滩、核形石滩、鲕粒滩等类型,具有类型多、发育旋回多以及厚度大的特点。颗粒滩在纵横向上并非是孤立存在的,通常与生物礁伴生,形成纵向叠置,横向指状交叉的礁滩复合体,属油气储集的有利相带。台缘颗粒滩亚相沿塔中I号坡折带呈带状展布,自西向东分布范围逐渐变窄,表现出以(藻)砂屑滩为背景,其他类型颗粒滩呈条带状、块状、点状分布于其间的规律。

关 键 词:颗粒滩   分布规律   塔中I号坡折带   台地边缘   良里塔格组

The Depositional Features and Distribution Regularities of Marginal platform Grain Shoals of Lianglitag Formation in Tazhong Area
Abstract:The reef-bank complex of Lianglitag Formation in Tazhong area hosts abundant oil and gas resources. By integrating scientists'  achievement and our comprehensive research on drilling, logging, core and thin section analysis, the categories and characteristics of grain-beach subfacies in Tazhong No.I slope-break zone of Upper Ordovician Lianglitag Formation have been studied systematically. Tazhong No.I slope-break zone is a large rimed carbonate platform margin reef-bank complex sedimentary system, which is composed of four subfacies, including reef mound, carbonate mud mound, grain shoal and interbank sea.  Characterized by diversity, multicycle and large thickness, the marginal-platform grain shoals of Lianglitag Formation in Tazhong area are divided into four types, including intraclast bank,bioclastic bank, oncolite bank and oolitic bank, among which psammitic bank and biological psammitic-psephitic bank are two main types of intraclast bank. It is considered that there are some differences on the category and scale of grain bank in the inner zone and outer zone of carbonate platform margin. The outer zone is mainly composed of high-to-moderate energy grain banks, while the inner zone primarily consists of low-to-moderate energy grain banks. The vertical and horizontal distribution of grain shoals are not isolated, and usually associated with reefs, forming the stacked  modes  vertically, interdigitated horizontally reef-flat complex. One of the  Special  canonical features of oil-gas distribution of Upper Ordovician Lianglitag Formation in Tazhong area is that isolated grain shoal or reef usually cannot form high-quality reservoir, while the reservoir property of grain bank or reef associated with each other is better, and usually hold large amount of hydrocarbons. In the perpendicular direction, it is considered that the superposed characteristics of the carbonate platform margin reef-bank complex of Upper Ordovician Lianglitag Formation in Tazhong No.I slope-break zone display in the form of multiple cyclic assemblages of grain shoals, reefs and lime mud mounds.Individual reef-bank complex or mud-mound-bank complex develops with grain bank at the bottom, carbonate reef mound or(and) lime mud mound overriding it in  its upper part, which is overlapped by the next cyclic grain bank. In the vertical direction, reef mound subface consists of four microfacies, including reef base, reef core, reef flat-reef top and reef cover, on the lateral, reef mound subfacies is composed of four microfacies, including reef core, reef flank, reef front and reef behind. The assemblage of grain shoal and reef subface presents multicyclic characteristics, and the same grain bank can exist simultaneously as the microfacies component part of two different reef mounds located in the vertical orientation of each other, not only can be the reef base of the upper reef knoll, but also can be the reef cover of the lower reef mound. In addition, grain bank can also be one of the parts of reef mound subfacies in the form of reef flat-reef top, reef flank, reef front and reef behind microfacies. Because of the interreef depositional setting of margin-platform reef is composed of high-to-moderate energy grain bank, low-to-moderate energy grain bank and interbank sea sedimentary subfacies, grain bank can occur in interreef subfacies as well. The combination regularity of grain bank and carbonate mud mound has a similar feature to that of grain bank and reef mound. The results show that biological psammitic-psephitic bank and reef mound often exist simultaneously in the form of assemblage in the upper part of the 1st Member and the 2nd Member of the Lianglitag Formation; The oncolite bank and oolitic bank present a property of thin thickness compared with other grain banks, which range from a few meters across to several decametres,and often appear in combination with lime mud mound; The bioclastic bank  (mainly crinoidal or echinoderm bank) usually occurs at reef flank or other terrains which are relatively lower, with high reservoir quality and its thickness ranging from a few meters to over twenty metres or so. The distribution characteristics of grain bank in the vertical and horizontal direction is chiefly controlled by two factors, one is the alternation of hydrodynamic condition caused by the fluctuation of relative sea level, the other is the diversity of secondary palaeogeomorphology of the carbonate platform margin. The marginal-platform grain-beach subfacies presents zonal distribution feature along Tazhong No.I slope-break zone, with its width narrows down from west to east. In the depositional setting of psammitic banks, the other grain shoals spread among them in stripped, blocky or punctuate modalities. In the matter of the categories and distribution regularities of grain beach in Tazhong No.I slope-break zone of Upper Ordovician Lianglitag Formation, different well blocks demonstrate dissimilar particularities. In the depositional setting of psammitic banks, wellblock Tazhong 45 and wellblock Zhonggu 2 are mainly composed of bioclastic banks, with biological psammitic-psephitic banks and oncolite banks distribute among them infrequently, and oolitic banks occur at Well Tazhong 86; Biological psammitic-psephitic banks develop well in wellblock Tazhong 82, oncolite banks exist in the neighbourhood of Well Tazhong 826 and Well Tazhong 82, and oolitic banks appear at Well Tazhong 822; Biological psammitic-psephitic bank and bioclastic bank are two cardinal types of grain shoals in wellblock Tazhong 62, and oncolite banks can be discovered at Well Tazhong 84; In wellblock Tazhong 24-26, biological psammitic-psephitic bank and bioclastic bank are two fundamental categories with oncolite banks scattered among them.
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