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Petrogenesis of the Zoned Laacher See Tephra
Affiliation:Institut für Mineralogie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Postfach 102148, D-4630 Bochum, Germany
Abstract:The late Quaternary Laacher See phonolitic tephra deposit (EastEifel, W. Germany) is mineral-ogically and chemically zonedfrom highly evolved, volatile-rich and crystal-poor at its basetowards a mafic, crystal-rich phonolite at the top (Wörner& Schmincke, 1984). This zonation is interpreted as theresult of a continuous eruption from a zoned magma column. Majorand trace element evidence shows that the last erupted maficULST (Upper Laacher See Tephra) phonolite can be derived froma basanite parent magma via fractional crystallization of 30per cent clinopyroxene, 24 per cent amphibole, 4 per cent phlogopite,3.8 per cent magnetite, 2.5–3.0 per cent olivine and 1per cent apatite, leaving a derivative of 30 per cent evolvedmagma. Starting from the mafic (ULST) phonolite as a parent, the zonedsequence is postulated to have been formed by progressive fractionalcrystallization of the observed phenocryst phases. This modelwas tested by a series of 7 step-by-step mass balance fractionationcalculations. Abundance, modal composition and relative variationsof calculated fractionated phases agree well with the observedphenocryst abundances: sanidine followed by plagioclase andminor amounts of mafic phases are to be fractionated to givethe observed zoned sequence. The most evolved phonolite, however, cannot be generated bysubtraction of phenocrysts from the underlying phonolite. Processessuch as liquid-state differentiation may therefore have chemicallymodified the upper part (cupola) of the Laacher See magma columnsubsequent to crystal fractionation. The erupted phonolite magma (5.3 km3) was calculated to havestarted with a volume of 56 km3 of parental basanite magma whichfractionated to form 16.6 km3 of mafic phonolite. This magmafurther differentiated to give a 5.3 km3 zoned (erupted) phonolitecolumn. The non-erupted volume of 50 km3 is postulated to forma cooling cumulate body below the present day Laacher See volcano. The Laacher See magma system represents a complex end-membertype of a highly evolved small volume composition ally zonedmagma chamber with steep major and trace element gradients,the uppermost volatile rich magma layer resembling the stableroof part of rhyolitic chambers.
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