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Quantification of Water Content and Speciation in Synthetic Rhyolitic Glasses: Optimising the Analytical Method of Confocal Raman Spectrometry
Authors:Cong Tu  Zi-Yue Meng  Xiao-Ying Gao  Li Zhang
Affiliation:CAS Key Laboratory of Crust-Mantle Materials and Environments, School of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230026 China
Abstract:Quantification of water content in silicate glasses is of vital significance in understanding magma evolution and metamorphic anataxis. Here we provide a method for the determination of total dissolved water content and water speciation in silicate melts by confocal laser Raman spectrometry based on a set of hydrous rhyolitic glasses. A series of alumino-silicate glasses with water contents from 0.33 to 9.05% m/m were synthesised in a piston cylinder apparatus. Synchrotron-FTIR mapping shows that these glasses have relatively homogeneous distributions of dissolved water. Total water contents of the glasses were precisely measured by TC/EA-MS and FTIR. Both external and internal calibration were established for the quantitative analysis of water content and water speciation in the silicate glasses based on excellent linear correlation between total dissolved water content and integrated area of the water Raman band. Furthermore, by decomposing the total water Raman bands into four Gaussians components, the relative concentration of water speciation (OH groups and molecules H2Om) dissolved in the glasses was determined with a similar trend to water speciation data derived from FTIR. We suggest that the relative concentration of water speciation can be estimated in rhyolitic glasses with 4–8% m/m H2O. Our work provides an accurate method to determine total water content and a potential tool to limit the relative concentration of water speciation dissolved in silicic glasses.
Keywords:water  Raman spectroscopy  quantification  silicate glass  water speciation
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