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Numerical slope stability simulations of the northern wall of eastern Candor Chasma (Mars) utilizing a distinct element method
Authors:B. Imre
Affiliation:a Department for Planetary Research, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Rutherfordstraße 2, 12489 Berlin, Germany
b Department for Geology and Paleontology, University of Graz, Heinrichstraße 26, 8010 Graz, Austria
Abstract:Valles Marineris offers a deep natural insight into the upper crust of Mars. The morphology of its slopes reflects the properties of the wall materials, thus constraining in models of composition and evolution of the upper layers of the Martian crust. Hence, knowledge about the lithological composition of these wall rocks is of major interest to the understanding of the geological and climatic history of Mars. This study investigates mechanical rock mass parameters of the northern wall of eastern Candor Chasma (between 290°E and 296°E longitude, −8° to −5° latitude). These are inferred from its present-day morphology and a proposed slope-forming history, applying a distinct element code to simulate the stability and the tectonic history of this slope within a parameter study. Additionally, a mathematical denudation model is applied to take into account the effect of exogenic processes on the slope. The study results show that two periods of normal faulting in conjunction with massive interim denudational scarp recess is a valid model for the evolution of the northern wall of eastern Candor Chasma. The estimated rate of scarp recess of 60 m Myr−1 is comparable with certain terrestrial scarp retreat rates. The best-fit models yield a homogenous distribution of low-level rock mass strength and deformability properties distributed over the entire stratigraphic column of the northern wall of eastern Candor Chasma. The values are 5.0 (±0.7) MPa for the uniaxial compressive strength, 1.6 (±0.2) MPa for the Brazilian tensile strength, 4.7 (±1.5) GPa for the Young's modulus, 0.2 (±0.15) for the Poisson's ratio, 22 (±2)° for the internal friction angle, 1.6 (±0.2) MPa for the cohesion and 2200 (±500) kg m−3 for the density. This study favors columnar jointed basalt as the material that builds up the northern wall of eastern Candor Chasma and other walls within central Valles Marineris. The best-fit denudational model of the upper slope section of the northern wall of eastern Candor Chasma indicates a distinct cap rock unit of lesser susceptibility to denudation than the wall rock below.
Keywords:Mars   Valles marineris   Wall rock   Numerical simulation   Slope stability   Rock mass strength properties
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