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Reconstruction of the Surface-Layer Vertical Structure from Measurements of Wind,Temperature and Humidity at Two Levels
Authors:Juan Carlos Bergmann
Abstract:A comparison of sensible heat flux derived from ultrasonic-anemometer measurements and profile-derived values shows strong systematic bias in the stable branch. One of the two effects, large sonic-based values combined with small profile-based values, can be explained as due to katabatic flows down the terrain slope. The other effect, large profile-based values combined with small sonic-based values, can only partially be explained as due to intermittent turbulence. The remainder occurs at small stability and indicates a possible systematic kink in ultrasonic-anemometer eddy-correlation values. Evaluation of the temperature-profile parameter θ * contributes to further clarification by reducing the systematic bias and confirming the katabatic-flow explanation. Also, the intermittent-turbulence influence is confirmed by the θ * evaluation, but the combination of large profile-based values with small sonic-based values does not vanish outside the more clearly defined intermittent-turbulence region. This is associated with a strongly increased occurrence of opposite-sign sonic values. Neutral profile values are frequently associated with considerably unstable sonic values of θ *.
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