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On solution of the inverse problem for confined aquifer flow via maximum likelihood
Authors:Hugo A. Loaiciga  Miguel A. Mariñ  o
Affiliation:(1) Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources, University of California, 95616 Davis, California;(2) Department of Civil Engineering, University of California, 95616 Davis, California
Abstract:Joint estimation of transmissivity (T) and storativity (S) in a confined aquifer is done via maximum likelihood (ML). The differential equation of groundwater flow is discretized by the finite-element method, leading to equation psgrphivt+Gammaxt=ut. Elements of matrices psgr and Gamma, as well as estimated covariance matrix of noise termut, are functions of T and S. By minimizing the negative loglikelihood function corresponding to discretized groundwater flow equation with respect to T and S, ML estimators are obtained. The ML approach is found to yield accurate estimates of T and S (within 9 and 10% of their actual values, respectively) and showed quadratic convergence in Newton's search technique. Prediction of aquifer response, using ML estimators, results in estimated piezometric heads accurate to ±0.5 m from their actual, exact values. Statistical properties of ML estimators are derived and some basic results for statistical inference are given.
Keywords:transmissivity  storativity  maximum likelihood  linear regression
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