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Albedo-rainfall Feedback Over Indian Monsoon Region Using Long Term Observations Between 1981 to 2000
Authors:Bimal Kumar Bhattacharya  Keshav R. Gunjal  Sushma Panigrahy  Jai Singh Parihar
Affiliation:(1) Agriculture-Forestry and Environment Group, Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabad, 380015, India;(2) Remote Sensing Applications Area (RESA), Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabad, 380015, India
Abstract:Albedo determines radiation balance of land (soil-canopy complex) surface and influence boundary layer structure of the atmosphere. Accurate surface albedo determination is important for weather forecasting, climate projection and ecosystem modelling. Albedo-rainfall feedback relationship has not been studied so far using observations on spatial scale over Indian monsoon region due to lack of consistent, systematic and simultaneous long-term measurements of both. The present study used dekadal (ten-day) composite of satellite (e.g. NOAA) based Pathfinder AVHRR Land (PAL) datasets between 1981 and 2000 over India (68–100°E, 5–40°N) at 8 km spatial resolution. Land surface albedo was computed using linear transformation of red and near infrared (NIR) surface reflectances. The cloud effects were removed using a smoothening filter with harmonic analysis applied to time series data in each year. The monthly, annual and long term means were computed from dekadal reconstructed albedo. The mean per year and coefficient of variation (CV) of surface albedo over seventeen years, averaged over Indian land region, were found to show a significantly decreasing (0.15 to 0.14 and 60 to 40%, respectively) trend between 1981 and 2000. Among all the land use patterns, the inter-annual variation of albedo of Himalayan snow cover showed a significant and the steepest reducing trend (0.42 – 0.35) followed by open shurbland, grassland and cropland. No significant change was noticed over different forest types.. This could be due to increase in snow melting period and snow melt area. A strong inverse exponential relation (correlation coefficient r = 0.95, n = 100) was found between annual rainfall and annual albedo over seven rainfall zones. The decreasing trend in snow-albedo of accumulation period (September to March) follows the declining trend in measured south-west monsoon rainfall between 1988 (980 mm) to 1998 (880 mm) over India. This finding perhaps suggests the possible reversal of reported coupling of increased snowfall followed by lower monsoon rainfall.
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