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Solid-Fluid Equilibria in the System KAlSi3O8-NaAlSi3O8-Al2SiO5-SiO2-H2O-HCl
Affiliation:Department of Geological Sciences, Brown University Providence, Rhode Island 02912
Abstract:Activity diagrams in the system KAlSi3O8-NaAlSi3O8-Al2SiO5-SiO2-H2O-HClhave been calculated in terms of aK+/aH+ and aN+/aH+ from existingexperimental data. They show the effect of temperature, pressure,and aH2O on the stability fields of the alkali feldspars, micas,and aluminium silicate. These activity diagrams are useful in revealing the bufferingcapacity of mineral assemblages and the chemical potential gradientsestablished by changes in T, P, aH2O, and mineral assemblage.An analysis of mineral paragenesis in terms of these diagramssuggests that mosaic equilibrium, allowing limited metasomatismand internal buffering of chemical potentials, best describemetamorphic systems. Thus the dehydration reaction: muscovite+quartz=K-feldspar+Al2SiO5+H2O which is most important in closed systems, probably fails todescribe in detail the mechanism of natural muscovite decomposition.Rather the decomposition of muscovite is more likely representedby ionic reactions. The replacement of muscovite by feldspar: muscovite+6 SiO2+2 K+=3 K-feldspar+2 H+ muscovite+6 SiO2+3 Na+=3 Albite+K++2 H+ is favored at high temperature and low pressure, and may accountfor the crystallization of some feldspars in metamorphic rocks.The reaction involving aluminium silicate replacement of muscovite: 2 muscovite+2 H+=3 Al2SiO5+3 SiO2+3 H2O+2 K+ is favored at high temperature and pressure and low aH2O, andcould contribute to the development of the aluminium silicates.It is concluded that both activity diagrams and AKNa projectionsshould be used together to more completely evaluate mineralparagenesis in terms of mosaic equilibria.
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