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Comparison between MODIS-derived Day and Night Cloud Cover and Surface Observations over the North China Plain
Authors:Xiao ZHANG  Saichun TAN  Guangyu SHI
Abstract:Satellite and human visual observation are two of the most important observation approaches for cloud cover. In this study, the total cloud cover (TCC) observed by MODIS onboard the Terra and Aqua satellites was compared with Synop meteorological station observations over the North China Plain and its surrounding regions for 11 years during daytime and 7 years during nighttime. The Synop data were recorded eight times a day at 3-h intervals. Linear interpolation was used to interpolate the Synop data to the MODIS overpass time in order to reduce the temporal deviation between the satellite and Synop observations. Results showed that MODIS-derived TCC had good consistency with the Synop observations; the correlation coefficients ranged from 0.56 in winter to 0.73 in summer for Terra MODIS, and from 0.55 in winter to 0.71 in summer for Aqua MODIS. However, they also had certain differences. On average, the MODIS-derived TCC was 15.16% higher than the Synop data, and this value was higher at nighttime (15.58%-16.64%) than daytime (12.74%-14.14%). The deviation between the MODIS and Synop TCC had large seasonal variation, being largest in winter (29.53%-31.07%) and smallest in summer (4.46%-6.07%). Analysis indicated that cloud with low cloud-top height and small cloud optical thickness was more likely to cause observation bias. Besides, an increase in the satellite view zenith angle, aerosol optical depth, or snow cover could lead to positively biased MODIS results, and this affect differed among different cloud types.
Keywords:cloud cover   MODIS   cloud-top height   cloud optical thickness   aerosol optical depth   view zenith angle
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