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Petrogenesis of garnet lherzolite, Cima di Gagnone, Lepontine Alps
Authors:Bernard W. Evans  Volkmar Trommsdorff

aDepartment of Geological Sciences, AK-20, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 U.S.A.

bInstitut für Kristallographie und Petrographie, E.T.H., Zürich, CH-8006 Switzerland

Abstract:Garnet lherzolite at Cima di Gagnone has chemical and mineralogical properties similar to those of other garnet lherzolites in the lower Pennine Adula/Cima Lunga Nappe (Alpe Arami, Monte Duria). The Cima di Gagnone occurrence encloses mafic boudins that belong to an eclogite-metarodingite suite common in the numerous neighboring ultramafic lenses. The ultramafic rocks at Cima di Gagnone, including the garnet lherzolite, are interpreted as tectonic fragments of an originally larger lherzolite body that underwent at least partial serpentinization prior to regional metamorphism. This lherzolite body cycled through at least three metamorphic facies: greenschist or blue-schist (as antigorite serpentinite) → eclogite (as garnet lherzolite), pre-Alpine or early Alpine → amphibolite facies (as chlorite-enstatite-tremolite peridotite), Lepontine metamorphism. Relics of titanoclinohumite in the garnet peridotite, as also recorded by Möckel near Alpe Arami, are consistent with this metamorphic history, since they indicate a possible connection with Pennine antigorite serpentinites, e.g., Liguria, Piedmont, Zermatt-Saas, Malenco, Pustertal, all of which have widespread titanoclinohumite belonging to the antigorite paragenesis. Estimated pressures in excess of 20 kbar and temperatures of 800°±50°C for the garnet lherzolite assemblage are not inconsistent with conditions inferred for Gagnone and Arami eclogites. These conditions could have been reached during deep subduction zone metamorphism. It is shown by calculation that the effects of Fe and Cr on the location of the garnet lherzolite/spinel lherzolite phase boundary largely counter-balance each other.
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