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Structural control of the morphometry of open rock basins, Kananaskis region, Canadian Rocky Mountains
Authors:D. J. Sauchyn   D. M. Cruden  X. Q. Hu  
Abstract:The morphometry of chutes (couloirs), rock funnels, and open cirques are related to the structure of dissected rock masses in the Kananaskis region of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Data for ten morphometric variables were derived from digital elevation models of 56 open rock basins. The basins were classified structurally according to the relative orientations of bedding planes and the rock slopes. A hypothesis of no differences in morphometry among structural classes is rejected from the results of nonparametric analysis of variance and paired comparisons of rank scores. Basins on dip and overdip slopes have a distinct size, and those on anaclinal slopes have a distinct width and shape. Variation in morphometry from low compactness and area/relief (chutes) to high compactness and low area/relief (funnels) to high compactness and area/relief (open cirques) corresponds to a change in dominant structure from orthoclinal to dip-overdip to underdip to anaclinal. The dip of bedding planes relative to the slope of rockwalls controls the mode of initial displacement of joint blocks and, thereby, the spatial distribution of the retreat of rockwalls. The angle between the rock slope and the strike of dipping strata determines whether beds of differing stability form chutes and buttresses (orthoclinal slopes), or extend across rockwalls (cataclinal and anaclinal slopes) and retreat at similar rates to form funnels and open cirques. The optimal structure for large compact rock basins is anaclinal, and the least favourable is cataclinal dip-overdip slopes. Topoclimate and other geologic structures may account for variance in morphometry not explained by differences among structural classes.
Keywords:mountains   rock slopes   open rock basin morphometry   geologic structure
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