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Comparison of the anisotropic-ray-theory rays and anisotropic common S-wave rays with the SH and SV reference rays in a velocity model with a split intersection singularity
Authors:Petr Bulant  Luděk Klimeš
Affiliation:1.Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,Charles University,Praha 2,Czech Republic
Abstract:We describe the behaviour of the anisotropic–ray–theory S–wave rays in a velocity model with a split intersection singularity. The anisotropic–ray–theory S–wave rays crossing the split intersection singularity are smoothly but very sharply bent. While the initial–value rays can be safely traced by solving Hamilton’s equations of rays, it is often impossible to determine the coefficients of the equations of geodesic deviation (paraxial ray equations, dynamic ray tracing equations) and to solve them numerically. As a result, we often know neither the matrix of geometrical spreading, nor the phase shift due to caustics. We demonstrate the abrupt changes of the geometrical spreading and wavefront curvature of the fast anisotropic–ray–theory S wave. We also demonstrate the formation of caustics and wavefront triplication of the slow anisotropic–ray–theory S wave.Since the actual S waves propagate approximately along the SH and SV reference rays in this velocity model, we compare the anisotropic–ray–theory S–wave rays with the SH and SV reference rays. Since the coupling ray theory is usually calculated along the anisotropic common S–wave rays, we also compare the anisotropic common S–wave rays with the SH and SV reference rays.
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