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作者单位::刘文耀 刘伦辉 邱学忠 谢寿昌 盛才余;(中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 昆明 650223);
摘    要:The principles, contents and measures of bio_ecological engineering fo r contr olling debris flow, based on the ecological principles and local natural conditi ons, were documented in this paper。Nanjian county, characterized as dry ho t valley climate, lies in the mid_southern part of Yunnan province。The bio _e cological engineering for controlling debris flow of Houshan area by Nanjian cou nty town was conducted from 1989 to 1997 。The various gullies, slopes and other disaster bodies, and human being activity factors in the area had been planed separately and managed simultaneously。The guiding principles of "stabilizing, protecting and using" were specially emphasized in the project.The construction of water storage, combination of biological hedge and check dam, improvement of water cycling on slope fields and regeneration of forest vegetation were also p ractised.The protecting system consisted of 77 check dams, 630 meters of discha rge canal, 830 bio_check dams, 2 500 meters of bio_hedge and 709 water storage pits , an d afforestation area of 2.8 km2 was built in the area.The insurance ratio of th is project is 0.5% and the social, economic and ecological effects are obvious.

关 键 词:云南南涧  泥石流治理  生物生态工程
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