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Sensitivity to stress of the estuarine bivalve Macoma balthica from areas between the Netherlands and its southern limits (Gironde)
Authors:H. Hummel  C. Amiard-Triquet  G. Bachelet  M. Desprez  J. Marchand  B. Sylvand  J.C. Amiard  H. Rybarczyk  R.H. Bogaards  J. Sinke  Y. De Wit  L. De Wolf
Affiliation:1Centre for Estuarine and Coastal Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Vierstraat 28, 4401 EA Yerseke, The Netherlands;2Université de Nantes, CNRS, Faculté de Pharmacie, Laboratoire d'Ecotoxicologie, 1, Rue Gaston-Veil, 44035 Nantes Cedex, France;3Université Bordeaux I, Laboratoire d'Océanographie biologique, 2, Rue du Professeur Jolyet, 33120 Arcachon, France;4GEMEL Picardie, Station d'Etudes en Baie de Somme (SEBS), 115, Quai Jeanne d'Arc, 80230 Saint Valéry sur Somme, France;5Université de Nantes, Faculté des Sciences et des Techniques, Laboratoire de Biologie Marine, 2, Rue de la Houssinière, 44072 Nantes Cedex 03, France;6GEMEL Basse Normandie, Station Marine, Rue du Docteur Charcot, 14530 Luc-sur-Mer, France
Abstract:Variation in the sensitivity to stress of Macoma balthica was measured in several French and Dutch estuaries. For adult and juvenile Macoma balthica exposed to copper under conditions of starvation, differences in mortality rate, condition, glycogen, burrowing rate and copper content were assessed. No significant differences were observed between adults and juveniles; the influence of treatment and origin was always evident. Animals from the most southern estuaries, Loire and Gironde, near to the species's southern limit of distribution, showed, in the field, the strongest deviations for the ecophysiological traits measured, and were in the experiments the most sensitive to stress.
Keywords:stress   ecophysiology   bivalves   Macoma balthica   mortality   age   condition   glycogen   burrowing rate   geographic cline   limit of distribution   copper   estuaries
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