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Petrology of Santorini Volcano, Cyclades, Greece
Authors:NICHOLLS   I. A.
Affiliation:Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, Cambridge University1
Abstract:The Pliocene to Recent lavas, dyke rocks, and cognate xenolithsof Santorini island group belong to four distinct series, eachof high-alumina basalt-andesite-dacite type. The oldest seriesincludes hornblende dacites and minor basaltic andesites. Theformer contain hornblende-rich cognate xenoliths of basalticcomposition, which consist essentially of crystals ‘floating’in residual acid liquid (glass). The chemical variation of theseries, like that of lavas of volcanic centres north-west ofSantorini, is of ‘calc-alkali’ type. The second and third series consist of a range of lavas frombasalt to rhyodacite. No hydrous mineral occurs as a stablephase. Augite is the phenocrystal pyroxene of basalts; augiteand hypersthene of andesites and dacites. The groundmass pyroxenesof basalts and most andesites are augite and pigeonite, whiledistinctive hornblende xenocryst-bearing andesites of the secondseries, and acid lavas of both second and third, carry augiteand hypersthene in the groundmass. Interstitial glass increasesin proportion from basalts to andesites, and forms a major componentof acid lavas. The second series, like the oldest, lacks absoluteiron enrichment. The third, however, shows weak iron enrichmentof andesitic relative to basaltic compositions. Of the youngest (historic) series, only the acid members (hyalodacites)have been extruded as lavas. The more basic members are representedby non-cumulate xenoliths of basaltic to andesitic compositionwhich, like those of the oldest series, consist of a mesh ofcrystals set in abundant glass. This modern series also displaysfeeble absolute iron enrichment. The compositional range of minerals other than plagioclase isvery limited in the two xenolithic series, but much greaterin the two lava series. Glass compositions are virtually constantwithin individual series. Estimates of temperatures and oxygenfugacities of Fe-Ti oxide mineral equilibration, and deductionsfrom liquid compositional trends indicate that the oldest serieswas characterized by higher fO2, and fH2O, and lower temperaturesthan the three younger, ‘dry’ series. Its silicaenrichment trend appears to have been controlled chiefly byfractionation of silica-poor hornblende, rather than magnetiteas in the younger series. The presence, in all series, of xenolithsof gabbroic cumulates, and the constancy of glass compositionssuggests that each series was generated by the tapping of adifferentiating highalumina basalt magma in a high level magmachamber.
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