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Hale Cyclicity of Solar Activity and Its Relation to Climate Variability
Authors:O. M. Raspopov  V. A. Dergachev  T. KolstrÖm
Affiliation:1. SPbF IZMIRAN, P.O. Box 188, Muchnoy per. 2, 191023, St.-Petersburg, Russia
2. A.F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute RAS, 194021, Politechnicheskaya 26, St.-Petersburg, Russia
3. Mekrij?rvi Research Station, University of Joensuu, Yliopistontie 4, 82900, Ilomantsi, Finland
Abstract:The periodicity of climatic processes along the Russian Arctic Ocean coast has been studied by analyzing the tree-ring chronologies for the regions close to the northern timberline. The wavelet analysis of annual series of conifer tree rings for the period 1458–1975 has revealed climatic oscillations with periods of 20–25 years. The amplitudes and periods of climatic oscillations in the region of Russian Arctic Ocean proved to exhibit appreciable changes. Especially strong climatic variations in comparison with the recent ones were found to occur during the Maunder minimum epoch when the period of oscillations increased from 22–23 years to 24–29 years, and oscillations with periods of 15 years appeared. After the Maunder minimum, the periods of oscillations and their amplitudes again decreased, and the 15–16-year maximum disappeared. Analysis of solar activity based on of radiocarbon (14C) concentration in annual tree rings has revealed a similar pattern in changes of periodicity before, during, and after the Maunder minimum. This suggests that quasi-bidecadal climatic oscillations and variations in solar activity can be connected with each other. A possible solar forcing of periodic climatic processes and its nonlinear influence on the atmosphere-ocean-continental system are discussed. The intense quasi-bidecadal climatic oscillations can be, in all probability, interpreted as resulting from amplification of a weak solar signal in the atmosphere-ocean system that has its own noises whose frequencies are close to the 22–23-year solar cycles.
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