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引用本文:齐善忠,王涛,罗芳,丁建亮. 黑河中游张掖地区沙漠化土地动态变化[J]. 山地学报, 2005, 23(2): 153-157
作者姓名:齐善忠  王涛  罗芳  丁建亮
基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展规划 973项目“中国北方沙漠化过程及其防治研究”(No .G2 0 0 0 0 4870 5 )资助~~
摘    要:在我国的西北干旱区,由于所处的自然地理位置生态环境脆弱,加之人类不合理的经济活动,使得该区土地沙漠化现象严重,生态环境恶化。位于黑河流域中游的张掖地区,是我国西北地区重要的商品粮生产基地。由于近年来人口、经济快速增长的压力和人类对土地资源不合理的开发利用,产生了土地沙漠化等一系列环境问题,而且土地沙漠化总体呈上升扩展的趋势,严重地阻碍了绿洲经济和社会的持续、稳定发展。以1994年和2000年具有相同时相(秋季)的Landsat TM4、3、2波段(分别赋予红、绿、蓝三种颜色)、分辨率为30m的标准假彩色合成卫星影像的两期TM影像为信息源,利用Erdas8.4遥感图象处理软件、Arcinfo8.1和Arcview3.2等GIS软件,对黑河流域中游张掖地区的沙漠化土地进行了动态监测研究和分析。结果表明:研究区的沙漠化土地类型共有8类,分别为流动沙地(丘)、半固定沙地(丘)、固定沙地(丘)、风蚀残丘、戈壁、闯田、潜在沙漠化土地和非生物治沙工程地;张掖地区各类沙漠化土地发展和逆转同时存在,1994-2000年沙漠化土地面积增加了642.17km^2。其中,临泽、山丹、民乐和肃南4县的沙漠化土地面积增加了714.85km^2,而张掖市和高台县沙漠化土地面积减少了72.68km^2。从总体上来看,全区的各类沙漠化土地变化仍呈上升扩展的趋势。

关 键 词:张掖地区  沙漠化土地  动态变化  地理信息系统(GIS)

Dynamic Changes of Sandy Desertification Land in the Zhangye Region of the Middle Reaches of the Heihe River, Northwestern China
QI Shanzhong,WANG Tao,LUO Fang,DING Jianliang. Dynamic Changes of Sandy Desertification Land in the Zhangye Region of the Middle Reaches of the Heihe River, Northwestern China[J]. Journal of Mountain Research, 2005, 23(2): 153-157
Authors:QI Shanzhong  WANG Tao  LUO Fang  DING Jianliang
Affiliation:QI Shanzhong~1,WANG Tao~2,LUO Fang~2,DING Jianliang~3
Abstract:Sandy desertification is the most typical and serious form of desertification in China, especially in the oasis zone distributed along inland rivers or in the lower reaches of inland rivers in northwestern China. The Zhangye Region, one of oases in Gansu Province, is located in the middle reaches of Heihe River , and is also an important commodity grain production base in arid northwestern China. Because of rapid socioeconomic development and a fast population growth in the recent years, the status of desertification and eco-environment is very serious in the area.Based on the TM images of 1994 and 2000 and by using digital method of remote sensing and geographical information system techniques, we analyzed the dynamic change of sandy desertification land of Zhangye Region in the middle reaches of Heihe River . The adopted data in this study were composed of two types to undertake, namely, census data of 1994 and 2000, and remote sensing data. With respect to the data source of sandy land-pruse status in 1994, we collected from the report on Sandy Land Survey of Zhangye Region, Gansu Province, and the data in 2000 came from the interpretation of composite Landsat 5 images of bands 4, 3 and 2 (R, G, B) according to the local conditions and land use status of sandy desertification. The types of landscape units can be identified into 8 types of sandy desertification land based on the need of research. In order to minimize possible interpretation errors, a set of interpretation indicators was established based on field investigation. The area measurements of these types in the study were made using the statistics function of GIS.The results indicated that the development and reversion of sandy desertification co-exited in the study area, where the area of sandy desertification land increased by 642.17 km~2 from 1994 to 2000, among which the area of sandy desertification land in Linze, Shandan, Minle and Sunan increased by 714.85 km~2, however, decreased by 72.68 km~2 in Zhangye and Gaotai. But the status of sandy desertification in the Zhangye Region was still serious.
Keywords:Zhangye Region in the middle reaches of Heihe River  sandy desertification land  dynamic change  geographical information system (GIS)
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