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利用HJ-1 CCD高分辨率传感器反演灰霾气溶胶光学厚度
引用本文:张玉环,李正强,侯伟真,许华. 利用HJ-1 CCD高分辨率传感器反演灰霾气溶胶光学厚度[J]. 遥感学报, 2013, 17(4): 959-969
作者姓名:张玉环  李正强  侯伟真  许华
作者单位:中国科学院 遥感与数字地球研究所,中国科学院 遥感与数字地球研究所,中国科学院 遥感与数字地球研究所,中国科学院 遥感与数字地球研究所
摘    要:霾已成为目前我国城市地区主要的空气污染现象,且近年来呈多发趋势。卫星遥感是获取大范围观测数据的必要手段,可对大气灰霾污染的分布区域及强度进行快速监测,弥补传统监测手段的不足。我国发射的环境小卫星(HJ1)由于其高的空间分辨率、较高的时间分辨率和宽覆盖的特点,在环境监测方面可发挥很大的作用。本文在假设短时间内地表反射率稳定的基础上,用HJ1-CCD影像蓝绿两个波段数据反演2013年1月份北京市区灰霾天气的气溶胶光学厚度,对环境小卫星在灰霾天气的应用情况进行评价,并分析了高分辨率卫星遥感在灰霾监测中的可行性及优势

关 键 词:高分辨率气溶胶光学厚度   北京   霾,HJ1-CCD

Retrieval of haze aerosol optical depth based on high spatial resolution CCD of HJ-1
ZHANG Yuhuan,LI Zhengqiang,HOU Weizhen and XU hua. Retrieval of haze aerosol optical depth based on high spatial resolution CCD of HJ-1[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2013, 17(4): 959-969
Authors:ZHANG Yuhuan  LI Zhengqiang  HOU Weizhen  XU hua
Affiliation:Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Abstract:Haze pollution becomes more and more frequent in urban regions of China. Compared to ground based measurement approaches, satellite remote sensing can obtain observation of haze in wide areas and monitor their distribution and intensity. The Chinese environmental satellites of HJ1A and HJ1B play important roles in atmosphere monitoring due to their high spatial resolution, high temporal resolution and wide swath. In this paper, Aerosol optical depth during haze in January 2013 is retrieved using HJ1-CCD blue and green bands based on the assumption of stable surface reflectance in a short period. Applications of HJ1-CCD haze monitoring are also evaluated and feasibility and advantages of the high-resolution satellite are analyzed
Keywords:Retrieval of haze aerosol optical depth based on high spatial resolution CCD of HJ1
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