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Morphology and tectonics of the Australian-Antarctic Discordance between 123° E and 128° E
Authors:Jeb Palmer  Jean-Christophe Sempéré  David M. Christie  Jason Phipps Morgan
Affiliation:(1) School of Oceanography, University of Washington, 98195 Seattle, WA, USA;(2) College of Oceanography, Oregon State University, 97331 Corvallis, OR, USA;(3) Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, 92093 San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA;(4) Present address: Sierra Geophysics, 11255 Kirkland Way, 98033 Kirkland, WA, USA
Abstract:The Australian-Antarctic Discordance (AAD) is an anomalously deep and rugged zone of the Southeast Indian Ridge (SEIR) between 120° E and 128° E. The AAD contains the boundary between the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean isotopic provinces. We have analyzed SeaMarc II bathymetric and sidescan sonar data along the SEIR between 123° E and 128° E. The spreading center in the AAD, previously known to be divided into several transform-bounded sections, is further segmented by nontransform discontinuities which separate distinct spreading cells. Near the transform which bounds the AAD to the east, there is a marked change in the morphology of the spreading center, as well as in virtually every measured geochemical parameter. The spreading axis within the Discordance lies in a prominent rift valley similar to that observed along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, although the full spreading rate within the AAD is somewhat faster than that of slow-spreading centers (~ 74 mm a–1 vs. 0–40 mm a–1). The AAD rift valleys show a marked contrast with the axial high that characterizes the SEIR east of the AAD. This change in axial morphology is coincident with a large (~ 1 km) deepening of the spreading axis. The segmentation characteristics of the AAD are analogous to those of the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge, as opposed to the SEIR east of the AAD, which exhibits segmentation characteristics typical of fast-spreading centers. Thus, the spreading center within and east of the AAD contains much of the range of global variability in accretionary processes, yet it is a region free from spreading rate variations and the volumetric and chemical influences of hotspots. We suggest that the axial morphology and segmentation characteristics of the AAD spreading centers are the result of the presence of cooler than normal mantle. The presence of a cool mantle and the subsequent diminution of magma supply at a constant spreading rate may engender the creation of anomalously thick brittle lithosphere within the AAD, a condition which favor, the creation of an axial rift valley and of thin oceanic crust, in agreement with petrologic studies. The morphologies of transform and non-transform discontinuities within the Discordance also possess characteristics consistent with the creation of anomalously thick lithosphere in the region. The upper mantle viscosity structure which results from lower mantle temperatures and melt production rates may account for the similarity in segmentation characteristics between the AAD and slow-spreading centers. The section of the AAD which overlies the isotopic boundary is associated with chaotic seafloor which may be caused by an erratic pattern of magmatism and/or complex deformation associated with mantle convergence. Finally, the pattern of abyssal hill terrain within a portion of the AAD supports previous models for the formation of abyssal hills at intermediate- and slow-spreading ridges, and provides insights into how asymmetric spreading is achieved in this region.
Keywords:Australian-Antarctic Discordance  Southeast Indian Ridge  ridge crest morphology  asymmetric spreading
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