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Petrology of Calc-alkaline Lavas from Ruapehu Volcano and Related Vents, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
Authors:GRAHAM, I. J.   HACKETT, W. R.
Affiliation:Research School of Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington Private Bag, Wellington, New Zealand
Abstract:Most Ruapehu lavas and those of related vents (Taupo VolcanicZone, New Zealand) are calc-alkaline, medium-K basic and acidandesites, though minor volumes of basalt and dacite occur.Nearly all are porphyritic with phenocrysts of plagioclase,augite, olivine (mainly in basalts and basic andesites), orthopyroxene(mainly in acid andesites and dacites), and titanomagnetite(chrome spinel in basic lavas). The lavas have been subdividedinto six groups, each petrographically, geochemically and isotopicallydistinct: Type 1 plagioclase-pyroxene phyric lavas dominate,and range from basalt to dacite. Least squares mass balancecalculations indicate that these lavas were probably generatedfrom low-alumina basalt by combined crystal fractionation (15–55per cent) and crustal assimilation (1–30 per cent). Xenolithstudies indicate that the assimilant is most likely to be apartial melt of gneiss, originally Torlesse terrane greywacke.Crystal accumulation occurs to a minor extent in Type 1 lavasand becomes important in Type 2 (plagioclase-phyric) and Type3 (pyroxene-phyric) lavas. Type 4 lavas are rare and of unknownorigin, though they may be similar to rare hornblende-bearingandesites from nearby Maungakatote volcano. Type 5 lavas areclinopyroxene-olivine-phyric andesites which were probably generatedfrom a primitive basalt by crystal fractionation without crustalassimilation. Type 6 lavas show strong evidence of disequilibriumand were probably generated by mixing Type 5 basalt with Type1 dacite in proportions of between 60:40 and 50:50. The assertion that the assimilant involved in contaminationof most Ruapehu andesites is a partial melt of basement greywackeis a significant departure from previously published theoriesand has important implications for trace element and isotopicmodelling.
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