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Satellite systems around galaxies in hydrodynamic simulations
Authors:Noam I. Libeskind  Shaun Cole  Carlos S. Frenk  Takashi Okamoto   Adrian Jenkins
Affiliation:Department of Physics, University of Durham, Science Laboratories, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE;National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan
Abstract:We investigate the properties of satellite galaxies formed in N -body/SPH simulations of galaxy formation in the ΛCDM cosmology. The simulations include the main physical effects thought to be important in galaxy formation and, in several cases, produce realistic spiral discs. In total, a sample of nine galaxies of luminosity comparable to the Milky Way was obtained. At magnitudes brighter than the resolution limit,   MV =−12  , the luminosity function of the satellite galaxies in the simulations is in excellent agreement with data for the Local Group. The radial number density profile of the model satellites, as well as their gas fractions also match observations very well. In agreement with previous N -body studies, we find that the satellites tend to be distributed in highly flattened configurations whose major axis is aligned with the major axis of the (generally triaxial) dark halo. In two out of three systems with sufficiently large satellite populations, the satellite system is nearly perpendicular to the plane of the galactic disc, a configuration analogous to that observed in the Milk Way. The discs themselves are perpendicular to the minor axis of their host haloes in the inner parts, and the correlation between the orientation of the galaxy and the shape of the halo persists even out to the virial radius. However, in one case the disc's minor axis ends up, at the virial radius, perpendicular to the minor axis of the halo. The angular momenta of the galaxies and their host halo tend to be well aligned.
Keywords:galaxies: formation    galaxies: haloes    galaxies: luminosity function, mass function    galaxies: spiral    cosmology: theory
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