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引用本文:肖增岳,王艺芬. 韭菜地等地的新生代玄武岩及其超镁铁岩包体的岩石学研究[J]. 岩石矿物学杂志, 1989, 8(2): 110-119
作者姓名:肖增岳  王艺芬
摘    要:韭菜地和鸡笼山两地的玄武岩为新生代的火山锥体,主要岩石为碧玄岩和碱性橄榄玄武岩,其中含有较丰富的超镁铁岩包体。玄武质岩石属碱性系列的钾质亚系,SiO_2不饱和,Al_2O_3较低且富含K、Ti和P等不相容元素,具有Al_2O_3/CaO值较高、M值在60—70之间、固结指数近于40、熔融程度低(4%)等特征,表明玄武质岩石是地幔橄榄岩低度熔融的产物。超镁铁岩包体中易熔组分与不饱和型包体组分相近,其矿物化学特征为:橄榄石的Fo值和斜方辉石的En值较低,单斜辉石的Al_2O_3、TiO_2和Na_2O较高,表明包体相对地富集易熔组分,与原始地幔组分相似。估算包体的矿物平衡温度和压力分别为1050℃和21.6×10~3Pa。

关 键 词:玄武岩 超镁铁岩包体 包体

Petrogenesis of Cenozoic Basaltic Rocks and Their Ultramafic Inclusions from Jiucaide and Jilongshan
Xiao Zengyue Wang Yifen. Petrogenesis of Cenozoic Basaltic Rocks and Their Ultramafic Inclusions from Jiucaide and Jilongshan[J]. Acta Petrologica Et Mineralogica, 1989, 8(2): 110-119
Authors:Xiao Zengyue Wang Yifen
Abstract:Jiucaide and Jilogshan bodies are located at 6km to the north of Wuji-ngfu town, Jieyang County and 15km to the northwest of Shantou City respe-ctively, They are both in form of volcanic cones with area less than 0.2 km2, The volcanic rocks are mainly consisted of basanites and alkali-olivinebasalts with abundance of ultramafic inclusions-spineI Iherzolites which chara-cterised by inequigranular and porphyroclastic textures, The basaltic rocks in composition belong to the potash subseries of alka-line series and are characterized by higher CaO, K20+Na2O and TiO2, and lowerSiOz and A1203, Except for enrichment of the incompatible elements, such asP, K and Ti, the basalts, have higher AI2O2/Ca0 ratio, with M value=60-70,index of consolidation nearly to 40 and degree of melting=4%.All these featuresindicate that the basaltic rocks are product driven from the mantle peridotite, The fusible componealts of the ultramafic inclusions are similar to that offertile mantle, The olivines and the orthopyroxenes in the ultramafic inclusionshave lower Fo and En respectively, and the clinopyroxenes are characterized byhigher AI2O2, TiO2 and Na2O, The calculated temperature and pressure for theIherzolites are confined to 10500C and 21.6 × 108 Pa respectively, The basa-ltic rocks have a high RFE abundance with enrichment of LREE, and La/Yb=15.63. The REE abundance of ultramafic inclusions approaches to that of theprimary mantle,
Keywords:basanite  alkali-olivine basalts  ultramafic inclusions  
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