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Denudation history of the Southeastern Highlands of Australia
Authors:J. A. Webb
Affiliation:Environmental Geoscience, Department of Ecology, Environment and Evolution, La Trobe University, Victoria 3086, Australia
Abstract:The low-relief summit plateaus (high plains) of the Southeastern Highlands are remnants of a widespread peneplain that was initially uplifted in the mid-Cretaceous and reached its current elevation in the Miocene–Pliocene. There are two mutually exclusive scenarios for the origin of the high plains: an uplifted peneplain originally formed by long-term denudation through the Mesozoic and late Paleozoic, contrasting with creation by ~1.5 km of erosion following the mid-Cretaceous uplift (based on fission track data). The hypothesis of a Mesozoic peneplain is consistent with the low relief of the high plains, the ca 200 Ma available to form the peneplain, and the pre-late Mesozoic oxygen-isotope composition of secondary kaolinites in weathering profiles on the high plains. If the ca 30 Ma cooling event recorded by the fission track data is due to ~1.5 km of denudation, then the high plains peneplain formed in the Late Cretaceous–early Paleogene, close to sea-level, and was uplifted in the early Paleogene, because evidence from basalts and fossil floras shows that the high plains surface was moderately elevated in the Eocene. This scenario is difficult to reconcile with the long-term erosion necessary to form such an extensive peneplain, the lack of sedimentary evidence for early Paleogene uplift, and the relatively small reduction in elevation (~250 m) that would have resulted from ~1.5 km of erosion (because the crust in this area is in isostatic equilibrium). Furthermore, extensive Cretaceous–early Paleogene denudation should have removed the pre-late Mesozoic secondary kaolinites present in weathering profiles in the highlands. There is no evidence that the Mesozoic peneplain was buried by kilometres of sediment and then exhumed in the Cretaceous–early Paleogene. I therefore conclude that the high plains of the Southeastern Highlands are the remnants of a Mesozoic peneplain uplifted in the mid-Cretaceous and again in the Miocene–Pliocene.
Keywords:Southeastern Highlands  denudation  uplift  fission track  tectonic geomorphology  peneplain
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