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An Experimental Determination of Iron Biotite-Alkali Feldspar Equilibria
Affiliation:Department of Geology, University of California Los Angeles, California
Abstract:Experiments in the system KAlSi04-NaAlSi04-SiOj-Fe-0-H indicatethat approximately 20 mole per cent of sodium annite [NaFe3AlSiO10(OH)2]can enter into solid solution with potassium annite. This substitutionreduces the biotite stability field. With excess alkali feldsparand no free quartz, the following reactions limit the biotitestability: Feldspar(s)+biotite {leftrightharpoons} feldspar(s)+magnetite+vapor. (1) Feldspar+biotite {leftrightharpoons} feldspar+fayalite+leucite+vapor. (2) Feldspar+biotite {leftrightharpoons} feldspar+fayalite+liquid+vapor. (3) Biotite {leftrightharpoons} feldspar+fayalite+nepheline+vapor. (4) On the QFM buffer (PTotal = 2 Kb), reaction 1 occurs at 685°C in the sodium free system and at 625 °C when twofeldspars are present; on NNO, it occurs at 630 and 590 °C.On the G-CH buffer, reaction 2 is stable at high temperatures(795–830 °Q and potassic compositions (), reaction3 at intermediate conditions (T = 740–95 °C; ) andreaction 4 at lower temperatures (710–40 °C) and sodiccompositions (). In the presence of excess quartz, reaction1 remains stable below the QFM buffer, but the reaction Feldspars)+biotite+quartz{leftrightharpoons} feldspars)+fayalite+vapor (5) is stable at higher hydrogenfugacities. On the G-CH buffer, reaction 5 occurs at 610 °Cin the sodium free system and at 595 °C when two alkalifeldspars are present. On the MW buffer, the temperatures are585 and 515 °C (M.I.). The experimental data presented suggest that biotite will notbe stable in the presence of granitic liquids at total pressuresbelow 4 kb, providing the fluorine and titanium content of thebiotite is low. They also suggest that gradients in the a£1S,l0 in a rock could produce variations in the biotite Fe/Fe+Mgratio and in extreme cases could result in the complete breakdown(decreased ) of biotite or its crystallization (increased )where previously there was none.
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