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引用本文:肖池伟,饶滴滴,刘怡媛,封志明,李鹏. 地缘经济合作背景下的中国磨憨-老挝磨丁口岸地区建设用地扩张[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2019, 21(10): 1576-1585. DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2019.190053v
作者姓名:肖池伟  饶滴滴  刘怡媛  封志明  李鹏
作者单位:1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101;2. 中国科学院大学资源与环境学院,北京 100049;3. 江西师范大学地理与环境学院,南昌 330022;4. 自然资源部资源环境承载力评价重点实验室,北京 101149
摘    要:20世纪90年代以来,在地缘经济合作机制的影响下,作为中南半岛唯一的内陆国家,老挝边境地区正在经历以建设用地扩张为主的土地利用与覆被变化(LUCC)。本文以中老磨憨-磨丁口岸为例,基于2016年2月-2018年11月10期Sentinel-2 A/B 10 m分辨率遥感影像,利用面向对象与分类后目视修改相结合方法提取2016-2018年磨憨-磨丁口岸15 km缓冲带的建设用地分布信息,并分析了建设用地的时空变化及国别差异。研究结果表明:① 中老磨憨-磨丁口岸地区经历了阶段性快速发展,由2016年年初的1098.8 hm 2激增到2018年年底的2238.8 hm 2,增加了1140.0 hm 2,其中50.8%的新增建设用地集中在海拔800~1000 m,80.9%在坡度20°以下;② 中国磨憨口岸侧建设用地占研究区建设用地的比重从63.3%递减至54.8%,但仍占规模优势,由695.4 hm 2猛增到1226.7 hm 2,平均增幅6.7%;③ 老挝磨丁口岸侧建设用地增加近1.5倍,从403.4 hm 2剧增到1012.1 hm 2,平均增幅11.1%,占比由36.7%递增到45.2%。可见,日益发展的地缘经济合作是推动中老两国边境地区(特别是口岸)土地利用变化的主要诱因。

关 键 词:土地利用与覆被变化  建设用地扩张  面向对象分类  地缘经济合作  磨憨-磨丁口岸  边境地区  Sentinel-2  

Construction Land Expansion in the Mohan-Boten Port Area between China and Laos in the Geoeconomic Cooperation Context
XIAO Chiwei,RAO Didi,LIU Yiyuan,FENG Zhiming,LI Peng. Construction Land Expansion in the Mohan-Boten Port Area between China and Laos in the Geoeconomic Cooperation Context[J]. Geo-information Science, 2019, 21(10): 1576-1585. DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2019.190053v
Authors:XIAO Chiwei  RAO Didi  LIU Yiyuan  FENG Zhiming  LI Peng
Affiliation:1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;2. College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;3. College of Geography and Environment, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, China4 Key Laboratory of Carrying Capacity Assessment for Resource and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources, Beijing 101149, China
Abstract:Since the 1990s, driven by the geoeconomic cooperation mechanisms, Laos, the only land-locked country in mainland Southeast Asia, has been experiencing rapid land use/cover change (LUCC) dominated by expansion of construction land, especially in its borderlands with adjacent countries (e.g. China). Taken the Mohan-Boten Port between China and Laos as the study area, a total of ten Sentinel-2 A/B 10m spatial resolution images (with none or little cloud coverage) from February 2016 to November 2018 were used to map the construction land through object-oriented classification and post-classification visual adjustments. The spatio-temporal change pattern and national difference of construction land in a 15 km buffer area of the Mohan-Boten Port, were analyzed and revealed via spatial and statistical analyses with ArcGIS 10.x software. Results showed that: (1) The area of construction land increased rapidly from 1098.8 hm 2 in early 2016 to 2238.8 hm 2 by the end of 2018 in the Mohan-Boten Port area. In particular, about 50.8% of the newly established construction land were located at elevations between 800 m and 1000 m and 80.9% on slopes below 20°. (2) During 2016-2018, the area of construction land increased from 695.4 hm 2 to 1226.7 hm 2 in the Mohan Port, with a growing rate of ca. 6.7%, while the proportion of the total area of construction land declined from 63.3% to 54.8%. (3) The construction land significantly increased by 1.5 times in the adjacent area of Boten Port, i.e., from 403.4 hm 2 to 1012.1 hm 2 in the same period and grew at an average rate of 11.1%. Moreover, the proportion of construction land increased from 36.7% to 45.2%, increased by 8.5% in the study area. We concluded that the developing geoeconomic cooperation is a dominant factor for land use change in the borderland between China and Laos, especially in the port area.
Keywords:Land Use/Cover Change (LUCC)  construction land expansion  object-oriented classification  geoeconomic cooperation  Mohan-Boten Port  border regions  Sentinel-2  
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