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Satellite Measurements of Albedo and Radiant Temperature from Semi-Desert Grassland along the Arizona/Sonora Border
Authors:Jeffrey L. Michalek  John E. Colwell  Norman E. G. Roller  Nicole A. Miller  Eric S. Kasischke  William H. Schlesinger
Affiliation:(1) Earth Sciences Group, ERIM International Inc., P.O. Box 134008, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48113-4008, USA;(2) Department of Botany, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA
Abstract:Along the international border separatingthe U.S. (Arizona) and Mexico (Sonora), differencesin the grazing intensity of domestic livestock arecommonly presumed to have created a large differencein vegetation cover between the two countries. Thisvegetation difference is reportedly responsible for anextensive albedo and temperature discontinuity thatmay be affecting regional climate. In this study, weused Landsat Thematic Mapper data to examinetrans-border differences in these two biophysicalparameters. Albedo and radiant temperature estimateswere computed for 25 km-long (east-west) transectsthrough semi-desert grassland on each side of theborder at two different times of year. Only smallaverage trans-border differences in these parameterswere found, and in some cases average albedo andtemperature data were essentially equal on each sideof the border. In addition, we found significantspatial heterogeneity in conditions on both sides ofthe border. These results suggest that, based on asmall sample, it may be difficult to assess whetherthere are significant differences in biophysicalproperties of semi-arid grassland between Arizona andMexico in the vicinity of the border. We concludethat more extensive spatial and temporal sampling iscritical in assessing any possible trans-borderdifferences in average terrain conditions that mightaffect climate, and that this data must be coupledwith more extensive meteorological data to assesswhether a difference in climate also exists.
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