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The Rhodes/HartRAO 2326-MHz radio continuum survey
Authors:Justin L. Jonas,Eddie E. Baart,&   George D. Nicolson
Affiliation:Department of Physics &38;Electronics, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 6140, South Africa,;Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory, PO Box 443, Krugersdorp 1740, South Africa
Abstract:We have made scanning observations with the HartRAO 26-m radio telescope to obtain a pencil-beam map of 67 per cent of the sky at 2326 MHz. This is the highest resolution and highest frequency radio continuum map of this type made of such a large area of sky.   In this paper we describe the observations and data reduction procedures used to produce the survey. The resulting map has an angular resolution (HPBW) of 20 arcmin, and the rms pointing accuracy is 1.2 arcmin. The rms noise fluctuations are less than 30-mK T FB over the whole map. We estimate that the uncertainty in the temperature scale is less than 5 per cent, and that the error in the absolute zero level is better than 80-mK T FB in any direction.   High-contrast half-tone images of the data with a model of the diffuse galactic background subtracted are presented. These images show many complex emission structures up to and beyond 50° latitude, and illustrate the quality of the data. Extracts from the survey data are available via FTP by arrangement with the authors.
Keywords:surveys    supernova remnants    Galaxy: structure    radio continuum: general    radio continuum: ISM
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