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Synthesising solar radio images from Atmospheric Imaging Assembly extreme-ultraviolet data
Abstract:During non-flaring times,the radio flux of the Sun at wavelengths of a few centimeters to several tens of centimeters mostly originates from thermal bremsstrahlung emission,very similar to extremeultraviolet(EUV) radiation.Owing to such a proximity,it is feasible to investigate the relationship between the EUV emission and radio emission in a quantitative way.In this paper,we reconstruct the radio images of the Sun through the differential emission measure obtained from multi-wavelength EUV images of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board Solar Dynamics Observatory(SDO).Through comparing the synthetic radio images at 6 GHz with those observed by the Siberian Radioheliograph,we find that the predicted radio flux is qualitatively consistent with the observed value,confirming thermal origin of the coronal radio emission during non-flaring times.The results further show that the predicted radio flux is closer to the observations in the case that includes the contribution of plasma with temperatures above 3 MK than in the case of only involving low temperature plasma,as was usually done in the pre-SDO era.We also discuss applications of the method and uncertainties of the results.
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