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引用本文:闵茂文 张祖还. 论华南含铀沉积建造[J]. 沉积学报, 1993, 11(4): 1-7
作者姓名:闵茂文 张祖还
摘    要:本文以华南含铀沉积建造的形成和分类,阐述该区内铀成矿前地质分布和铀成矿背景,提出在华南存在三类含铀沉积建造,即震旦-寒武纪地槽型陆源碎屑-火山沉积含铀建造(I)、上古生界地台型陆源碎属沉积含铀建造(Ⅱ)和中、新生界地台型陆源碎屑-火山沉积含铀建造(Ⅲ),它们制约了华南绝大部分铀矿床的空间分布。最后,本文概括了华南含铀沉积建造的主要特征及与区内各类铀矿床的成因联系。

关 键 词:华南   含铀沉积建造   铀矿床

On Uraniferous Depositional Formation in South China
Affiliation:Department of Earth Sciences, Nanjing University
Abstract:In present paper the distribution of ore - forming material and ore - forming background before forming of uranium deposits is South China are reviewed according to the forming and classification of uraniferous de-positional formations in this area. Author firstly proposes the three kinds of uraniferous depositional formation in South China, i.e. the uraniferous formation (I) of geosynclinal - type terrigenous fragment -volcanic deposit in Sinian -Cambrian periods, the uraniferous formation (II) of platform -type terrigenous fragmental deposit in Palaeozoic Era and the uraniferous formation (III) of platform - type terrigenous fragment - volcanic deposit in Mesozoic - Cenozoic Era. Most of uranium deposits in South China were controlled by those uraniferous depositional formations in space. Finally, author generalizes the principal features of uraniferous depositional formations and genetic relationship between all kinds of uranium deposits and various uraniferous depositional formations in South China. The most important features of uraniferous depositional formations include: (1) It is composed of uraniferous strata as well as non-uranlferous strata; (2) Uranium abundance in it is higher than that in the earth crust, in general several times or tens times; (3) It is rich in organic material, pyrite, carbonaceous - pelite and phosphate etc. which could intensely adsorb and reduce uranium ( VI ) ; (4) In rocks uranium element unevenly distributes, often in the condition of multipeak; (5) Uranium element mainly is in the form of adsorption in rocks; (6) Uranium -rich strata relatively are rich in elements of P. Mo, Ni, V, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ag etc. . Among three formations the uraniferous formation of geosynclinal -type terrigenous fragment -volcanic deposit in Sinian - Cambrian periods (I) is the most important for forming of uranium deposits in South China. The geosynclinal-type depositional formations in Proterozoic Era are the ancient (maybe the most ancient) uraniferous strata in South China.
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