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Microbial Degradation of Tar Oil Compounds under Different Redox Conditions
Authors:Matthias Mundt  Katrin Althoff  Wolfgang Dott  Juliane Hollender
Abstract:The microbial transformation of typical tar oil compounds such as acridine, benzo(b)thiophene, dibenzofuran, indane, and indene under different redox conditions was investigated in microcosm studies. Under aerobic conditions the inherent contamination in polluted soil as well as the added N‐, S‐, O‐ heterocyclic and homocyclic compounds were transformed predominantly apart from thiophene. 1‐Indanone was detected by RP‐HPLC‐DAD and GC‐MS as an intermediate metabolite from indane and indene. Under nitrate and sulfate reducing conditions indane, benzo(b)thiophene, and dibenzofuran were transformed in assays with the polluted soil samples from well B 65 and B 66 within 426 days, whereas they were persistent in assays with the highly polluted soil B 67. All heterocyclic and homocyclic compounds added to the non‐contaminated soil from well B 85 were not degraded under nitrate and sulfate reducing conditions, too. The results indicate that for the decision, wether natural attenuation can be implemented in the remediation of contaminated site, in addition to BTEX and PAHs especially the fate of further tar oil compounds in anoxic aquifers has to be considered.
Keywords:Biodegradation  1‐Indanone  Microcosm Study  Natural Attenuation  NSO‐heterocylic Compounds  Bioabbau  1‐Indanon  Mikrokosmenstudie  Natural Attenuation  NSO‐heterocyclische Verbindungen
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