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Noble gases in E-chondrites
Authors:Jane Crabb  Edward Anders
Affiliation:Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, U.S.A.
Abstract:Noble gas data are reported for 12 E-chondrites. Combined with literature data, they show that K-Ar ages are >4 Æ for 14 out of 18 meteorites, yet U, Th-He ages are often shorter, perhaps due to late, mild reheating. Cosmic-ray exposure ages differ systematically between types 4 and 6, with E4's mostly below 16 Myr and E6's above 30 Myr. This may mean that the E-chondrite parent body contains predominantly a single petrologic type on the (~ 1 km) scale of individual impacts, in contrast to the more thoroughly mixed parent bodies of the ordinary chondrites.The heavy noble gases consist of at least two primordial components: the usual planetary component (36Ar132Xe ~ 80) and a less fractionated, ‘subsolar’ component (2700 ≤ 36Ar132Xe ≤ 3800). The latter is found in highest concentration in the E4 chondrite South Oman (36Ar = 760 × 10?8cc/g, 36Ar132Xe = 2700). The isotopic compositions of both components are similar to typical planetary values, indicating that some factor other than mass controlled the noble gas elemental ratios. The heavy Xe isotopes occasionally show some of the lowest 134Xe132Xe and 136Xe132Xe ratios measured in bulk chondrites, suggestive of nearly fission-free Xe (e.g. 136Xe132Xe = 0.3095 ± 0.0020). Amounts of planetary gas in E4 E6 chondrites fall in the range for ordinary chondrites of types 4–6, but, in contrast to the ordinary chondrites. fail to correlate with petrologic type or volatile trace element contents. Another unusual feature of E-chondrites is that primordial Ne is present even in most 4's and 5's (20Nep ~ 1 to 7 × 10?8cc/g). with an isotopic composition consistent with planetary Ne.Analyses of mineral separates show that the planetary gases are concentrated in an HF- and HCl-insoluble mineral similar to phase Q, the poorly characterized, HNO3-soluble carrier of primordial gases in carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites. The subsolar gases, on the other hand, are located in an HCl- and HNO3-resistant phase, possibly enstatite or a minor phase included in enstatite. Much of the 129Xer (50% for E4's, > 70% for E6's) is in HCl-resistant but HF-soluble sites, suggestive of a silicate.A similar subsolar component may be responsible for the high 36Ar132Xe ratios of some C3's, unequilibrated ordinary chondrites, and the unique aubrite Shallowater. The planet Venus also has a high ArKr ratio, well above the planetary range, and hence may have acquired its noble gases from an E-chondrite-like material, similar to South Oman.
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