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Book Reviews
Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
Petroleum Economics and Offshore Mining Legislation. A. P. H. VAN M eurs.
Sedimentografia-Atlante fotografico delle Strutture Primarie dei Sedimenti. F ranco R icci L ucchi.
Le Dolomiti. Geologia dei Monti tra Isarco e Piave. P. L eonardi.
Sedimente und Sedimentgesteine (Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks). H. F ücht-bauer and G erman M üller.
Geochronology of Phanerozoic Orogenic Belts—Eclogae Geol. Helv. , 63(1). E. J äger , M. G rünenfelder and R. H erb (Editors).
Physical Processes of Sedimentation. J. R. L. A llen .
African Magmatism and Tectonics. T. N. C lifford and I. G. G ass (Editors).
Les Formations sèdimentaires tertiaires et quaternaires de la Cuvette tchadienne et les Sols qui en dèrivent (Mèm. O.R.S.T.O.M. , 43). J. P ias.
Flysch Sedimentology in Northern America. J. L ajoie (Editor).
Development of the Northern Apennines Geosyncline. G. S estini (Editor).
Ancient Sedimentary Environments. richard C. selley.
Introductory Petrography of Fossils. A S. horowitz and P. E. potter
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