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引用本文:庞飞,张作衡,张君峰,陈科,石砥石,包书景,李世臻,郭天旭. 长江经济带页岩气勘探开发进展及建议[J]. 地球科学, 2020, 45(6): 2152-2159. DOI: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.061
作者姓名:庞飞  张作衡  张君峰  陈科  石砥石  包书景  李世臻  郭天旭
作者单位:1.中国地质调查局, 北京 100037
摘    要:页岩气是一种清洁的非常规天然气资源,已引起全世界各国的广泛关注.我国页岩气资源丰富,70%的资源分布在长江经济带沿线各省市.在长江上游的重庆涪陵、四川长宁-威远等地区实现了商业开发,长江中游鄂西地区实现突破,长江下游安徽宣城取得了积极进展.页岩气勘查理论和技术标准体系初步形成,开采装备基本实现国产化.加快长江经济带页岩气勘查开发对优化能源消费结构、实现绿色发展、保障国家能源安全具有重要意义.然而,目前页岩气勘探和开发存在一些问题.主要体现在:页岩气资源探明率低,复杂构造区页岩气富集成藏理论尚需深入研究.页岩气开发成本高,一些关键技术装备尚待研发.市场驱动机制方面,多元主体共同参与的市场化格局尚未完全形成.本文从长江经济带页岩气资源状况、勘探开发进展、勘查理论、技术与装备等方面,分析了中国页岩气发展形势,梳理了制约我国页岩气勘查开发快速发展的主要问题.建议加大勘查开发力度,加强科技创新,坚持绿色勘查开发,加大政策扶持力度,多措并举加快构建长江经济带页岩气勘查开发新格局. 

关 键 词:页岩气   长江经济带   研究和勘探现状   发展建议   石油地质

Progress and Prospect on Exploration and Development of Shale Gas in the Yangtze River Economic Belt
Abstract:Shale gas is a clean and unconventional natural resource and it has attracted widespread attention from all over the world. China's shale gas resources are abundant, and about 70% of the resources are distributed in the regions along the Yangtze River economic belt. In addition, commercial development has been realized in the Fuling area of Chongqing city in the upper Yangtze River, and in the Changning-Weiyuan areas of Sichuan Province. The Middle Yangtze River region (i.e., West Hubei region) has achieved breakthroughs, and the Lower Yangtze River region has made some progress. The corresponding exploration theory and technical system are initially formed, and the mining equipment can be made in China. The development of shale gas can accelerate development of the Yangtze River economic belt and is of great significance for optimizing energy consumption makeup, achieving green development, and ensuring national energy supply. However, there are still some problems with shale gas exploration and development. For instances, the ratio of shale gas resource exploration is low, and the enrichment and accumulation of shale gas in complex geological conditions needs further study.The cost of shale gas exploration and development is high, and key technical equipment has yet to be developed. In terms of the market-driven mechanism, the market-oriented pattern in which multiple entities participate together has not yet fully formed. In this study, it analyzes the development of shale gas in terms of shale gas resources, exploration and development, theoretical technology, standard systematic technology and equipment of the Yangtze River economic belt. Finally, it points out the main problems that restrict the rapid development of shale gas exploration and development in China, and propose the related suggestions to solve these problems. To build a new pattern of shale gas exploration and development in the Yangtze, it is necessary to increase exploration and development efforts, to strengthen scientific and technological innovation, to underline the green exploration and development, to strengthen policy support and take coordiuated measures. 
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