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Evaluation of Two Initialization Schemes for Simulating the Rapid Intensification of Typhoon Lekima(2019)
Authors:Donglei SHI  Guanghua CHEN  Ke WANG  Xinxin BI  Kexin CHEN
Abstract:Two different initialization schemes for tropical cyclone(TC) prediction in numerical models are evaluated based on a case study of Typhoon Lekima(2019). The first is a dynamical initialization(DI) scheme where the axisymmetric TC vortex in the initial conditions is spun up through the 6-h cycle runs before the initial forecast time. The second scheme is a bogussing scheme where the analysis TC vortex is replaced by a synthetic Rankine vortex. Results show that although both initialization schemes can help improve the simulated rapid intensification(RI) of Lekima, the simulation employing the DI scheme(DIS) reproduces better the RI onset and intensification rate than that employing the bogussing scheme(BOG).Further analyses show the cycle runs of DI help establish a realistic TC structure with stronger secondary circulation than those in the control run and BOG, leading to fast vortex spinup and contraction of the radius of maximum wind(RMW).The resultant strong inner-core primary circulation favors precession of the midlevel vortex under the moderate vertical wind shear(VWS) and thus helps vortex alignment, contributing to an earlier RI onset. Afterwards, the decreased vertical shear and the stronger convection inside the RMW support the persistent RI of Lekima in DIS. In contrast, the reduced VWS is not well captured and the inner-core convection is weaker and resides farther away from the TC center in BOG,leading to slower intensification. The results imply that the DI effectively improves the prediction of the inner-core process,which is crucial to the RI forecast.
Keywords:numerical simulation   initialization scheme   tropical cyclone intensity
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