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The quasi-isotropic relative structure of a geodetic net and the procedure used to establish it
Authors:Lubomír Kubá?ek  Ján Pecár  Matej Klobu?iak  Peter Barica  Reviewer P Kratochvíl  Reviewer M Pick
Institution:(1) Institute of Mathematics, Slovak Acad. Sci., Bratislava;(2) Research Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Bratislava;(3) Institute of Geodesy, Bratislava;(4) Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava
Abstract:Summary The method of computing the quasi-isotropic relative structure (QIRS) of a geodetic net which maximizes the relative accuracy between a priori determined points of the net, the configuration of the net being taken into account, is described. The iteration procedure is used to establish this structure.
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