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Thin intergranular melt films and melt pockets in spinel peridotite xenoliths from the Rhön area (Germany): early stage of melt generation by grain boundary melting
Authors:Leander Franz  Richard Wirth
Affiliation:(1) GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany, DE
Abstract:Optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on a porphyroclastic high temperature spinel peridotite from the Rhön area reveal fine, irregular glass layers and pockets along mineral interfaces, cracks in olivine, inside olivine crystals and in spongy rims of clinopyroxene. The chemical composition of the glass deviates significantly from the composition of the host basanite. Electron diffraction technique confirms the amorphous nature of the glass, thus classifying it as a former melt. Every grain or phase boundary shows amorphous intergranular glass layers of variable thickness and characteristic chemical composition with distinct chemical inhomogeneities. Olivine grain boundaries, as the most common type of interfaces, exhibit two different types of melt glasses: (1) Type I melt at olivine grain boundaries, which is characterized by low contents of SiO2 (~37?wt%) and Al2O3 (~5?wt%) and elevated contents of MgO (~31?wt%) and FeO (~22?wt%), is supposed to have formed prior to or during the thermal overprint and the dynamic recrystallisation of the xenolith in the mantle. Melt inclusions inside olivine grains with an average composition of type I melt are suggested to be earlier melt droplets at olivine interfaces, overgrown by migrating olivine grain boundaries during recrystallization in the mantle prior to the uplift of the xenolith. (2) Type II melt, the most common type of melt in the xenolith, shows higher contents of SiO2 (~48?wt%) and Al2O3 (~17?wt%) but lower contents of MgO (~20?wt%) and FeO (~11?wt%). The observation of different types of glass within a single xenolith indicates the development of different chemical melt equilibria at interfaces or triple junctions in the xenolith. The absence of geochemical trends in bivariate plots excludes a unifying process for the genesis of these glasses. Melt inclusions in the spongy rims of clinopyroxene are interpreted to be the product of a potassium-rich metasomatism. The formation of most amorphous intergranular melt layers and pockets at the mineral interfaces including type II melt at olivine grain boundaries is suggested to result from decompression melting during the uplift with the basalt magma. We suggest that these glasses were produced by grain boundary melting due to lattice mismatch and impurity segregation. The observed intergranular amorphous layers or melts represent the very beginning of mineral melting by grain boundary melting.
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