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The sources of material comprising a mass ejection coronal transient
Authors:E. Hildner  J. T. Gosling  R. T. Hansen  J. D. Bohlin
Affiliation:1. High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colo., U.S.A.
2. E.O. Hulburt Center for Space Research, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
Abstract:The origin of the material which is ejected during a white light coronal transient has not been determined heretofore. Study of a disturbance on 26 and 27 August 1973, during which a slowly ascending prominence and a more rapid accompanying coronal transient were simultaneously observed, helps to resolve this question. Prominence images obtained in Hα 6563 Å and in He II 304 Å are nearly identical. The mass ejection transient observed in white light (3700–7000 Å) appeared to be a loop about 1 R higher than the top of the ascending prominence; it accelerated away from the prominence below it. These observations imply: (1) the bulk of the ejected material did not originate in the ascending prominence; (2) therefore, most of the material must have come from the low corona above the prominence, (and was at coronal temperatures during its outward passage); and (3) the total event - ascending prominence accompanied by coronal mass ejection - was far larger, more energetic, and longer lasting than would be inferred from the prominence observations alone. The transient of 26–27 August was slow and of atypical shape compared to other mass ejection transients, but we believe that these three conclusions apply to most, if not all, of the more than 60 loop-shaped coronal transients observed by the High Altitude Observatory's coronagraph during the nine-month flight of Skylab.
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