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引用本文:张强,朱诚,姜逢清,刘兴林,郭立新. 重庆巫山张家湾遗址2000年来的环境考古[J]. 地理学报, 2001, 56(3): 353-362
作者姓名:张强  朱诚  姜逢清  刘兴林  郭立新
作者单位:1. 南京大学城市与资源学系
2. 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所;南京大学城市与资源学系
3. 南京大学历史系
基金项目:国家自然科学基金!( 40 0 71 0 83),南京大学“985工程”自然地理学科建设项目,南京大学测试基金项目&&
摘    要:通过对重庆巫山张家湾西汉遗址T911剖面进行粒度、磁化率等环境替代指标的分析研究,结果表明,汉代该区发达的农业、手工业生产使人们盲目砍伐树木,使该区植被严重退化,使生态环境恶化,降水集中、坡地表面松散沉积丰富、缺乏植被保护等使流水侵蚀、坡地径流发育,导致水土流失严重,该区的人类文明因此而衰落,同时研究发现,该区在竺可桢划分的中国4次温暖期与4次寒期扣的第2次寒冷期(公元初至公元600年)仍为温暖期,这是由于该区西北面与东南面均有高大山脉包围,一定程度上阻挡了来自北方的冷空气进入本区的缘故,该区气候演变在一定程度上可能受西南季风的影响,至少该区在汉代气候演变与西南季风的强弱有某种相关关系,作为一个相对独立的气候变化单元,研究其气候变化与人类文明发展的耦合关系具有重要的理论意义与实际意义。

关 键 词:张家湾遗址 环境考古 巫山 重庆市 粒度 磁化率 气候变化 人类活动

Environmental Archaeological Exploration in Zhangjiawan Site, Chongqing since 2 ka BP
Abstract:Analytical results of grain size and magnetic susceptibility performed on samples from the west wall of the T911 at Zhangjiawan site show that climate evolution, to a certain degree, is under influence of the changes of the southwest mosoon Development of the agriculture and handicraft industry made an excessive exploitation of the vegetation resources and the ill consequences of the human activities made the ecological environment in the study area deteriorate and finally made the civilization collapse Archaeological excavation shows that the study area was a developed economic center with flourished, handicraft industry and agriculture at that time As a result of the blind exploitation of the natural resources, the ecological environment was deteriorated Without protection of the vegetation, the detrital materials on the sloping land provide conditions for landslides and erosion, leading to decline of local civilization The eco environmental evolution of this area is thus controlled by human activities and also changes of the strength of the south west mosoon Huge mountain ranges surround the study area from north west and south east respectively, and the geomorphologic features make the area unique both climatically and ecologically The mode of the environmental evolution is distinctive from any other regions The study on the correlation between the environmental evolution and the human activities in the region is meaningful theoretically and realistically This study will offer suggestions for present day rational exploitation of the mountainous area
Keywords:Zhangjiawan site  palaeo environmental evolution  Wushan  Chongqing city
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