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引用本文:马钦忠, 钱家栋, 李伟, 赵文舟, 方国庆. 源自多个大电流源的华东地区地电场空间变化特征[J]. 地球物理学报, 2016, 59(7): 2598-2614, doi: 10.6038/cjg20160724
作者姓名:马钦忠  钱家栋  李伟  赵文舟  方国庆
作者单位:1. 上海市地震局, 上海 200062; 2. 中国地震局地震预测研究所, 北京 100036
摘    要:在地震电磁学研究中,电流在地下流动特征与构造关系是一个非常重要的问题.多个强电流源的存在和大范围地电场观测站的分布格局为我们研究这个问题提供了更好的机会.本文通过利用上海及其周边地区4个地点不同的高压换流站接地极向地下注入的大电流(1200~4780A)信号,研究了华东地区8个台站组成的地电场观测台网接收到的附加地电场信号,推进了对地电流在地下传播特征的认识.研究显示:①从幅度特征而言,对于源自不同的大电流信号,各台站观测到的附加地电场信号幅度特征有很大不同,而近处的浦东台只能观测到南桥大电流源的信号而观测不到其他3个大电流源发出的信号,存在着所谓的"敏感点"效应;②对于上海地区4个接地极大电流而言,能够观测到源自它们的附加地电场的台站最远为350 km,在更远的台站则观测不到.③从均匀度方面而言,在每个台站对于不同的信号源,记录到的附加地电场信号在各方向上的长极距和短极距信号幅度之比可以有很大变化;④在方位特征上,只有崇明台站接收到的同里接地极和华新接地极大电流信号的计算方位度数与实际方位度数误差最小,分别为0.2°和0.8°.而在距离各个信号源最近的青浦台,这种误差要比崇明台站的大;⑤极化方向特征显示,在青浦台和崇明台所观测到的附加地电场信号中,存在着同一方向上长、短极距信号极化方向是反向的现象,这与常理相悖,怎样解释该现象有待于今后进一步研究.本文从点电流源与台站测线布局构成的装置系统、大区域介质非均匀性、台站测区以及附近地区的介质细结构的影响三个方面,对上述特征进行了较深入的分析和解释.

关 键 词:大电流   多源   地电场信号   地震电信号

Characteristics of the spatial variation of geoelectric field signals recorded at the stations in Huadong area in China when 4 heavy currents are injected
MA Qin-Zhong, QIAN Jia-Dong, LI Wei, ZHAO Wen-Zhou, FANG Guo-Qing. Characteristics of the spatial variation of geoelectric field signals recorded at the stations in Huadong area in China when 4 heavy currents are injected[J]. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 2016, 59(7): 2598-2614, doi: 10.6038/cjg20160724
Authors:MA Qin-Zhong  QIAN Jia-Dong  LI Wei  ZHAO Wen-Zhou  FANG Guo-Qing
Affiliation:1. Earthquake Administration of Shanghai Municipality, Shanghai 200062, China; 2. Institute of Earthquake Science, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100036, China
Abstract:In the study of seismo-electromagnetics, the relationship between the flowing characteristics of electric current and the geological structure is a very important problem. The arrangement of four heavy currents from different place injected into the underground and the distribution of many geoelectric field stations offer us a golden opportunity to study the scientific problem further. In this paper, by studying the signals originated from grounding electrodes 1200~4780 A current of four converter stations in different places around the Shanghai area and recorded at eight geoelectric field stations in the Huadong area in China, we could promote the understanding of ground current in underground transmission characteristics further.#br#. The study shows that ① as for the magnitude characteristics, the magnitude of the additional geoelectric field recorded at different stations varies greatly for different current sources. Only the signals originated from Nanqiao grounding electrode are observed at Pudong station which is near the heavy current sources, but that from Tongli, Huaxin and Fengxian grounding electrodes are not recorded at this station, which means the so-called sensitive site phenomenon; ② The furthest distance is 350km between the source and the station that could observe the signals originated from these four heavy current sources, and at the stations more than 350 kilometers away no any additional geoelectric signals from the sources could be recorded; ③ The uniformity degree of the geoelectric field in the area does not follow the regular patterns of homogeneous medium, which illustrates that the characteristics of inhomogeneous medium and anisotropy are obvious at many stations in the area. At each station for the different heavy current source the amplitude ratio value of the additional geoelectric field on long dipole to short dipole could vary bigly; ④ For the azimuth characteristics, only at Chongming station the errors are minimum between the actual bearing degree and the calculated bearing degree determined by utilizing the signals originated from Tongli and Xinhua grounding electrodes, and they are 0.2°, 0.8°, respectively. At Qingpu station these errors are larger than that obtained from Chongming station, which is the nearest station from the heavy current sources; ⑤ Features of polarization direction show that for the additional geoelectric field signals recorded at Qingpu and Chongming stations the polarization directions on the long diploes and short diploes are reverse, which is contrary to common sense. It needs to be further studied in the future to explain the phenomenon. Considering the influence of the three factors, i.e., the device system consisting of a point source and the electrode distribution of a station, the heterogeneity of medium in a large area, as well as the fine structure of the medium underground at a station, especially combining the interpretation of the shallow exploration data of two dimensional resistivity profile at Qingpu station, this paper has made a deep analysis and explanation of the characteristics mentioned above.
Keywords:Great current emission  Multiple sources  Signal of geoelectric field  Seismic electric signal
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