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Assessment of glacier- and snowmelt-driven streamflow in the arid middle Tianshan Mountains of China
Authors:Yan Liu  Jianhui Xu  Xinyu Lu  Lei Nie
Affiliation:1. Institute of Desert Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Urumqi, China;2. Key Laboratory of Guangdong for Utilization of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System, Guangdong Open Laboratory of Geospatial Information Technology and Application, Guangzhou Institute of Geography, Guangzhou, China;3. State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan, China
Abstract:Due to limitations in transport and communication infrastructures and difficulties in accessing glaciers, it is challenging to monitor snow and glaciers. In this study, the enhanced Utah Energy Balance (UEB) with a glacier melt model and snow above and below the forest ablation algorithm is used to assess the contributions of snow and glacier melting in three typical inland river basins (MRB, URB and KRB) in the middle Tianshan Mountains of China from 2002 to 2014. Forced by the spatial downscaling of the China meteorological forcing dataset (CMFD) coupled with other parameters, the model simulates the total surface water balance using surface water input from snowmelt, glacial melt and rainfall. Model simulations reveal that although the MRB, URB and KRB are all located on the northern slopes of the Tianshan Mountains, there are obvious differences in their water resource composition characteristics. Different from the URB, which is mainly replenished by glacial melt and had an average annual percentage of glacial melt of approximately 39% of the total surface water from 2009 to 2014, the MRB and KRB are mainly supplied by snowmelt and rainfall and both had an average annual percentage of snowmelt of approximately 37%. Although snowmelt is an important source of water to inland rivers, especially during the snowmelt season, the contributions of snowmelt in these three basins are very small especially for the URB, which had a contribution of 17%. This study effectively verifies the applicability of the CMFD and provides important scientific and technological support for determining the spatiotemporal variations in snow and glacial melt in the middle Tianshan Mountains, where meteorological observation data are scarce and some observational data, such as radiation data, are incomplete.
Keywords:China meteorological forcing dataset  snow  spatial downscaling  Tianshan Mountains
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