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Variations in Melt Productivity and Melting Conditions along SWIR (70{degrees}E-49{degrees}E): Evidence from Olivine-hosted and Plagioclase-hosted Melt Inclusions
Authors:Font, L.   Murton, B. J.   Roberts, S.   Tindle, A. G.
Affiliation:1National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton, European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK
2Department of Earth Sciences, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK
Abstract:Melt inclusion and host glass compositions from the easternend of the Southwest Indian Ridge show a progressive depletionin light rare earth elements (LREE), Na8 and (La/Sm)n, but anincrease in Fe8, from the NE (64°E) towards the SW (49°E).These changes indicate an increase in the degree of mantle meltingtowards the SW and correlate with a shallowing of the ridgeaxial depth and increase in crustal thickness. In addition,LREE enrichment in both melt inclusions and host glasses fromthe NE end of the ridge are compatible with re-fertilizationof a depleted mantle source. The large compositional variations(e.g. P2O5 and K2O) of the melt inclusions from the NE end ofthe ridge (64°E), coupled with low Fe8 values, suggest thatmelts from the NE correspond to a variety of different batchesof melts generated at shallow levels in the mantle melting column.In contrast, the progressively more depleted compositions andhigher Fe8 values of the olivine- and plagioclase-hosted meltinclusions at the SW end of the studied region (49°E), suggestthat these melt inclusions represent batches of melt generatedby higher degrees of melting at greater mean depths in the mantlemelting column. Systematic differences in Fe8 values betweenthe plagioclase- and the olivine-hosted melt inclusions in theSW end (49°E) of the studied ridge area, suggest that theplagioclase-hosted melt inclusions represent final batches ofmelt generated at the top of the mantle melting column, whereasthe olivine-hosted melt inclusions correspond to melts generatedfrom less depleted, more fertile mantle at greater depths. KEY WORDS: basalt; melt inclusions; olivine; plagioclase; Southwest Indian Ridge
Keywords:: basalt   melt inclusions   olivine   plagioclase   Southwest Indian Ridge
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