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引用本文:熊敏诠. 区域Delaunay三角剖分法在全国平均降水量中的应用[J]. 气候与环境研究, 2013, 18(6): 710-720. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2013.12006
作者单位:中国科学院大气物理研究所, 北京100029;中国科学院大学, 北京100049;国家气象中心, 北京100081
摘    要:介绍了Delaunay三角网的性质及其算法类型;根据1980~2009年全国2200个观测站的降水量资料,将观测点和采集的边界点共同进行普通的Delaunay三角剖分,通过删除边界点及其区域外的三角形以实现区域Delaunay三角剖分,得到了较理想全国陆地的Delaunay三角网;随后对球面上的三角片进行面积计算,在已知站点的经纬度情况下,将大地坐标系转换到空间直角坐标系中,应用平面三角余弦定理获得球面三角内角,从而求得三角片面积,并以面积大小确定各个站点降水量的权重系数,得到全国平均降水量值。对比分析了30年的全国不同时间尺度(日、月、年)平均降水量,Delaunay三角法对应全国平均降水量均值和标准差都明显低于算术平均法,但是两种方法计算的降水量值的相关系数较高;通过Shapiro-Wilk方法进行正态性检验分析,两种计算方法求得的年平均降水量总体服从正态分布;在方差奇性的F检验中,两者的方差具有非奇性特点;使用t检验,在显著性α=0.05时,Delaunay三角剖分法计算的全国平均降水量总体均值偏小。最后,根据欧洲和日本数值模式2009年的降水预报,对于两方法计算结果进行了比较,分析表明在较大区域的平均降水量计算中,较之于传统的算术平均法,基于区域的Delaunay三角剖分法更为合理;区域平均降水量不仅和计算方法有关,还和区域气候特点有密切关系。

关 键 词:区域Delaunay三角剖分法   算术平均法   全国平均降水量   统计检验

Research on the Application of Constrained Delaunay Triangulation in Precipitation Averaged over China
XIONG Minquan. Research on the Application of Constrained Delaunay Triangulation in Precipitation Averaged over China[J]. Climatic and Environmental Research, 2013, 18(6): 710-720. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2013.12006
Authors:XIONG Minquan
Affiliation:Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049;National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081
Abstract:The properties and algorithm type for applying constrained Delaunay triangulation is studied. Based on the precipitation data from 2200 stations in China from 1980 to 2009, a set of station and boundary points is analyzed using ordinary Delaunay triangulation. Constrained Delaunay triangulation is achieved by deleting the boundary points and the relevant edges, and then calculating the spherical triangle area. After converting the geodetic coordinate system to a direct coordinate system in space, the interior angles of the spherical triangle can be attained. Precipitation averaged over China can then be calculated using a weighting factor based on the triangulation area. Comparing the precipitation averaged over China for different time periods, the mean value standard deviation, when using the triangulation method, is lower than when using the arithmetic method. However, there is a high correlation between the two methods. Results from our statistical analysis and examination of these two methods are as follows: Through normal verification of the Shapiro-Wilk test, the annual mean precipitation from both methods shows a normal distribution. Using a singular variance F-test, the variance of the two methods is different. Applying a t-test, the differences in the annual mean precipitation values for two methods is significant at the 0.05 level. Using the 2009 precipitation forecast data from European and Japanese numerical weather prediction, the authors determined the precipitation values averaged over China using these two methods and analyzed the results. Compared with the traditional arithmetic averaging method, constrained Delaunay triangulation is more complete since it factors in both regional mean precipitation and regional climate.
Keywords:Constrained Delaunay triangulation  Arithmetic average method  Precipitation averaged over China  Statistical test
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