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引用本文:赵信文,金维群,彭轲,常宏,黎清华,黎义勇,薛永恒. 清江中游隔河岩库区偏山滑坡形成机制及稳定性分析[J]. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 2009, 39(5)
作者姓名:赵信文  金维群  彭轲  常宏  黎清华  黎义勇  薛永恒
摘    要:
偏山滑坡位于清江中游隔河岩库区,距隔河岩大坝54 km,是该库区的大型滑坡之一,其稳定性直接关系到50多户200多人的生命安全及隔河岩水库的正常运行.通过野外调查,采用工程地质测绘、钻探、物探、槽探等工程勘查手段,分析该滑坡的形成机制,查明除地形地貌、地层岩性、物质结构外,滑坡稳定性主要受暴雨、水库水位涨落等外动力因素的影响;从深部位移及地表位移、地表裂缝的监测结果分析,滑坡局部产生变形及位移,正处于蠕变阶段;通过滑坡稳定性计算,结合滑坡形成机制及影响因素分析,滑坡整体稳定性较好,但滑坡在暴雨加库水位骤降条件下,稳定系数有所降低,局部存在滑塌的可能.

关 键 词:偏山滑坡  顺向坡滑坡  滑坡变形  清江隔河岩水库

Formation Mechanism and Stability Analysis of the Pianshan Landslide in Geheyan Reservoir Area of the Middle Reaches of the Qingjiang River
ZHAO Xin-wen,JIN Wei-qun,PENG Ke,CHANG Hong,LI Qing-hua,LI Yi-yong,XUE Yong-heng. Formation Mechanism and Stability Analysis of the Pianshan Landslide in Geheyan Reservoir Area of the Middle Reaches of the Qingjiang River[J]. Journal of Jilin Unviersity:Earth Science Edition, 2009, 39(5)
Authors:ZHAO Xin-wen  JIN Wei-qun  PENG Ke  CHANG Hong  LI Qing-hua  LI Yi-yong  XUE Yong-heng
Affiliation:ZHAO Xin-wen1,JIN Wei-qun1,PENG Ke1,CHANG Hong1,LI Qing-hua1,LI Yi-yong1,XUE Yong-heng21.Yichang Institute of Geology , Minerals Resources,Yichang,Hubei 443002,China2.Bureau of Investigation , Survey,Changjiang Water Resources Commission,China
Pianshan landslide,one of the large-scale landslides in Geheyan reservoir,occurs 54 km far away from Geheyan dam in the middle-reach of the Qingjiang River.Since the stability of Pianshan landslide maybe directly threaten the safety of local more than 200 lives and normal operation of the Geheyan reservoir,it is of significance to carry out the study on the formation mechanism of landslide by the means of field investigation techiniques such as engineering geological mapping,drilling,geophysical,trench expl...
Keywords:Pianshan landslide  consequent landslide  landslide deformation  Geheyan reservoir on Qingjiang River  
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