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Uranium Mineralization Type and Its Recognition Remark in Liaodong Peninsula
作者单位:No. 240 Research Institute,Nuclear Industry Geology Bereau,Shenyang. 110000 P. R. China
摘    要:1 Geological Evolution History andUranium mineralizationFrom geologic tectonic development history fOr4 billion years in Liaodong peninsula, three stagesare evident: Archean original crust craton stage,Palaeo -- Midproterozoic continental margin and con-t…

Uranium Mineralization Type and Its Recognition Remark in Liaodong Peninsula
Authors:Zhou Jibin and Yang Fu
Abstract:Liaodong peninsula is located in the northeastern part of North China Platform. The basement of platform in this district is composed of Archean-Paleoproterozoic metamorphic rocks and granitic complex with sedimentary rocks covering. Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks sporadically occur in some subsidence basins. Multiple tectonic movements and metamorphism and magmatism with multi-mineralization following formed various U deposits. Based on knowledge obtained from long standing working, this paper presents an overview of crust evolution and different U mineralization at last propcaes the form- ing conditions and recognition for U ore.
Keywords:Liaodong peninsula  recognition  minralization
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