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Holocene climate in the Persian Gulf as deduced from grain-size and pteropod distribution
Authors:Liselotte Diester-Haass
Affiliation:Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut der Universität Kiel, Kiel Germany
Abstract:Detailed coarse-fraction analyses have been made of twelve sediment cores from the Persian Gulf (40–100 m water depth) in order to detect Holocene climatic changes.The only indication of such a change was provided by the terrigenous material (i.e., the < 63 μ fraction) carried into the Gulf by rivers. All cores show characteristic variations in the quantity of terrigenous material and alternating fine- and coarse-grained layers.There was no other parameter which could point to variations in climate. This might be due to the fact that the sediments are sorted as a result of reworking by tidal currents (velocities 25–50 cm/sec): fine and light particles are removed. Any climatically-produced variations in amount or size of benthonic and planktonic organisms have probably been obliterated by tidal currents. The importance of this factor varied with time: during increased terrigenous supply, tidal currents modified the sediment surface for only short periods and a fine-grained layer was, therefore, deposited. A lesser supply of terrigenous material, on the other hand, resulted in the deposition of a coarse-grained layer.Contemporaneous sedimentation of layers with much terrigenous material (fine-grained layer) and with little terrigenous material (coarse-grained layer) is suggested. Observed petrographic variations are presumably due to large-scale changes of climate and not to local sedimentary variations (including shifts of river-mouth processes).Accordingly, the cores were correlated by examining the percentage of coarse fraction and the median diameter of the sand fraction. The assumption is that the higher the percentage of coarsegrained material, the lower the amount of terrigenous material transported into the Persian Gulf.In support of this correlation, another parameter - varying independently from grain size within one core - was examined: the species composition of pteropod shells. These quantitative changes could also be correlated, because there were different core sections with different species compositions.Correlation of the cores by grain size and by pteropod species provides the same results.Four different climatic zones could be distinguished between the lower and the upper part of the Holocene: a relatively arid period at about 9000 years B.P. was succeeded by a more humid period; this then was followed by a period of less rainfall and finally a period during the Late Holocene when rainfall increased again. This sequence is comparable to the established European climate chronology.
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