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Stress in the lithosphere generated by terrain topography and density inhomogeneities in the earth's crust
Authors:Ji?í Tre?l  Vincenc Vysko?il  Milo? Hübner  Reviewer K Pě?
Institution:(1) Geophysical Institute, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague
Abstract:Summary The methods are described and results presented of computing the two-dimensional stress field in a particular section of International Geotraverse I. The present effects of loads, caused by terrain topography and density inhomogeneities in the Earth's crust, were considered to be the sources of the stress. The corresponding values of the deviatoric stresses in the area considered are of the order of 5 MPa.
Rcyiecyzcyyucymcyiecy Ocynuscyancya mcyiecymocy¶rt;ukcya u rcyiecyzcyucylcysoftcymamycy rcyascychcyiecyma ¶rt;vcyucymcyiecyrcyncyocygcyocy nocylcyyacy ncyanrcyyacyzhcyiecyncyuubreve ncya ucychcyascymkcyiecy mcyiecyzhcy¶rt;ucyncyarcyocy¶rt;ncyocygcyocygcyiecyocymrcyavcyiecyrcyscyaI. Icyscymocychcyncyukcyamcyu ncyanrcyyacyzhcyiecyncyuubreve yacyvcylcyyacyiecymscyyacy scyocyvcymcyiecyscymncyocyiecy vcylcyuyacyncyuiecy ncyagcyrcyucyzcyocykcy ocym rcyiecylcysoftcyiecyfcya mcyiecyscymncyocyscymu u ocym nlcyocymncyocyscymncyycykhcy ncyiecyocy¶rt;ncyocyrcyocy¶rt;ncyocyscymiecyubreve zcyiecymcyncyocyubreve kcyocyrcyycy. Scyocyocymvcyiecymscymvcyucyyucyshchcyuiecy ¶rt;iecyvcyuamocyrcyncyycyiecy ncyanrcyyacyzhcyiecyncyuyacy ¶rt;ocyscymugcyayucym vcyiecylcyuchcyuncy nocyrcyyacy¶rt;kcya 5 McyPcya.
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