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Tectonic and structural evolution of Gough volcano: A volcanological model
Authors:Luc Chevallier
Affiliation:1. University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy;2. National Research Council of Italy, Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection (CNR-IRPI), Torino, Italy;3. University of British Columbia, Kelowna, Canada;1. Department of Geoinformation Engineering, Sejong University, Seoul, Republic of Korea;2. Department of Energy Resource Engineering, Pukyong National University, Busan, Republic of Korea
Abstract:Morphostructural, stratigraphic and tectonic data indicate that the evolution of Gough volcano is similar to other oceanic intraplate volcanoes, is older than 1 Ma, and is related to a transform fault. At least six evolutionary stages can be distinguished within two major magmatostructural periods dominated by basaltic and trachytic magmas, respectively.The basaltic shield volcano is characterized by a curved, elongated shape in plan and a rift zone with a high density of dykes, combined with a radial intrusive system. The latter is interpreted as being fed by a magma chamber some 4 km below the surface. The activity of the volcano became more centralized at the end of the basaltic period and its slopes became steeper. This corresponds to the development of a shallower and narrower central conduit in the edifice. The basaltic period was terminated by formation of a shield caldera related to the 4 km deep magma chamber. The term “shield caldera” is used for a collapse structure that is postmagmatic, large in comparison with the diameter of the volcano, and delimited by normal faults that do not show a closed circular pattern but rather a series of arcs. In contrast, summit calderas are defined as smaller, circular-shaped, centrally situated, synmagmatic features, related to a central shallow column. During the basaltic period, landslides were generated on the flanks of the edifice as a result of slope stability factors which are not easy to determine at present, and dynamic factors among which the intrusion of magma along a curved zone certainly played a major role.The trachytic period is characterized by comparatively rare pyroclastic deposits and a large volume of thick flows extruded from domes. These extrusions, as well as plugs, formed from vertical cylindrical columns of magma rising from shallow individual magma pockets fed by the main reservoir.
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