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Modelling nitrogen and phosphorus cycles and dissolved oxygen in the Zhujiang Estuary Ⅰ.Model results
作者姓名:管卫兵  王丽娅  许东峰
作者单位:Received July 5,2001; accepted September 2,2001
基金项目:The present study was supported by the Pearl River Estuary Pollution Project funded by the Hong Kong AdministrativeDivision Go
摘    要:rmIoxThe averag annual dischaIge of the Zhujiang Xiver is 3. 32 x l0ll m3, which ranks theZhujiang River just end to the Changjiang River in China. The dischnye occutring duringthe fltal m between APril and ffepteTnber accounts for 80% of the yearly total. The Zhu-jiang hiver has a yeaIy sediment load of about 1 x l08 tons, which also concentrates in theM arn (Zhao, l990; Chen et al., 1998). The Zhujiang Xiver delta,which has l2 cities ofdifferent sizes and more than 40 towns with a po…

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