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Hydrologic comparison between a forested and a wetland/lake dominated watershed using SWAT
Authors:Kangsheng Wu  Carol A. Johnston
Affiliation:Center for Biocomplexity Studies, Box 2207B, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota 57007, US
Abstract:The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a physically‐based hydrologic model developed for agricultural watersheds, which has been infrequently validated for forested watersheds, particularly those with deep overwinter snow accumulation and abundant lakes and wetlands. The goal of this study was to determine the applicability of SWAT for modelling streamflow in two watersheds of the Ontonagon River basin of northern Michigan which differ in proportion of wetland and lake area. The forest‐dominated East Branch watershed contains 17% wetland and lake area, whereas the wetland/lake‐dominated Middle Branch watershed contains 26% wetland and lake area. The specific objectives were to: (1) calibrate and validate SWAT models for the East Branch and Middle Branch watersheds to simulate monthly stream flow, and (2) compare the effects of wetland and lake abundance on the magnitude and timing of streamflow. Model calibration and validation was satisfactory, as determined by deviation of discharge D and Nash and Sutcliffe coefficient values E that compared simulated monthly mean discharge versus measured monthly mean discharge. Streamflow simulation discrepancies occurred during summer and fall months and dry years. Several snow melting parameters were found to be critical for the SWAT simulation: TIMP (snow temperature lag factor) and SMFMX and SMFMN (melting factors). Snow melting parameters were not transferable between adjacent watersheds. Differences in seasonal pattern of long‐term monthly streamflow were found, with the forest‐dominated watershed having a higher peak flow during April but a lower flow during the remainder of the year in comparison to the wetland and lake‐dominated watershed. The results suggested that a greater proportion of wetland and lake area increases the capacity of a watershed to impound surface runoff and to delay storm and snow melting events. Representation of wetlands and lakes in a watershed model is required to simulate monthly stream flow in a wetland/lake‐dominated watershed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords:SWAT  snowmelt  wetlands  hydrology  calibration  Great Lakes  forest  Ontonagon River
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