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Origin and geochemical characterization of the glauconites in the Upper Cretaceous Lameta Formation,Narmada Basin,central India
Authors:Udita Bansal  Santanu Banerjee  Dhiren K.Ruidas  Kanchan Pande
Abstract:This study presents geochemical characteristics of glauconites in estuarine deposits within the Maastrichtian Lameta Formation in central India. Resting conformably over the Bagh Group, the Lameta Formation consists of ~4-5 m thick arenaceous, argillaceous and calcareous green sandstones underlying the Deccan Traps. The sandstone is friable, medium-to coarse-grained, well-sorted and thoroughly crossstratified, and contains marine fossils. Detailed petrography, spectroscopy and mineral chemistry indicates unique chemical composition of glauconite with high K_2O, MgO, Al_2O_3 and moderate TFe_2O_3. Glauconite is formed by the replacement of K-feldspars, initially as stringers in the cleavages and fractures of feldspars. Incipient glauconite subsequently evolves fully, appearing as pellets. Fully-evolved glauconite pellets often leave tiny relics of K-feldspar. XRD exhibits characteristic peak of 10A from basal(001)reflection of glauconite, indicating the "evolved" character. The K_2O content of glauconites in the Lameta Formation varies from 5.51% to 8.29%, corroborating the "evolved" to "highly-evolved" maturation stage.The TFe_2O_3 content of glauconite varies from 12.56% to 18.90%. The PASS-normalized-REE patterns of glauconite exhibit a "hat-shape" confirming the authigenic origin of glauconites. The slightly-negative to slightly-positive Ce anomaly value and the moderate TFe_2O_3 content of glauconite agree well with a suboxic,estuarine condition. The replacement of K-feldspar by the glauconite contributes towards the high K_2O content. Compositional evolution of glauconites in the Lameta Formation is similar to those observed in many Precambrian sedimentary sequences.
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